the Models for Mugget, Susan, Jellybean and Uwongo are Complet,
Meaning we´re only missing the kraytBears in trems of modeling
As far as Vocie acting gose, We´re Only missing Those of Dallas and Doily,
With the voice work already done for Susan, Nat, Kitube and Uwongo,
im hopeing i can soon get Started on animateing for Quoll alone Twogether as it´s gonna be our 20th video for newgorunds and so, Should be something everyone would Look forward too, especially After how Blender has updated itself and improved on Many levels, thus Allowing use to feature fur and realstic subsurface scattering.
- We´re planning to make DragoGen an animated series in lines of the the mandalorian or the New the dark crystal age of resistance, Not too many Episodes but Movie like quality and i´d most likely do some Writting after going for a walk outside and Sarfina is planned to be a DragoGen character,
- We found out via Scruffy´s video an awsome way to do fur on models via Texture maps and plan to use it form here on now, Starting with the kraytBears