Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - 6 hours ago


rigging was a bit of a Mess BUT! i think i figured out a Good rig setup.

Posted by Yokomation - 1 day ago


So Today i have Started on Rigging Squally


Yesterday i Also made a list for the next 5 videos to my channel, PUBLIC Videos, i´ll likely Still upload Storyboards and such as hidden videos but, want these to be something special, this also means there´ll likely be more Comming to Newgrounds(as Promised) so don´t Be Surpised if i make an animation Test for Squally and upload it here, alongside alot of other things too, infact as far as Jurassica Safari Park gose im actually considering to do the Rhomaleosaurus first, as Well, it´s got no arms or Legs just four pairs of Flippers, speaking of that i got Alex, Conner, Leo, Biggie cheese and Akio on my models list with Jurassica been my 97th Video for YouTube.


Posted by Yokomation - 2 days ago


Squally´s almost done guys,

WOW! While yesterday didn´t got as planned, i Think for the future i might Actually Start to consider bakeing Textures before i move onto the next Set, i´ll do it for Vex however SSS Setups will remain the same a son Squally. i did get Squally´s Eyes done,

also i figured out a new way to do eyes, one i´ll likely use for the Future For all my Creature models(none Quoll Alone models AND Human characters due to Style Chocies)

unlike With Jurassica´s Models, im not going to be useing Textures for the Eyes so, the Old Same system as i did for Eggs is back, BUT! instead of useing an alpha, Squally and also Vex´s Eyes will be useing a Transmission, thus,

well, I hope you can see it on Squally´s Eyes, the Eyes are animatable AND look as Real as they can be, and thinking about THAT! i think it might soon be time to bring back Future wildlife.



Posted by Yokomation - 8 days ago


Starting off Fresh multires tho, it´s mostly because thought it might be better if i do the multires without

mean crease on the Model as

i Think it might be bit of Problem, While the Teeth and Tounge have gotten pretty Fine bakeing wise,

(BTW i think i do Get kinda overwhlemed when doing the Human models, like there is alot of clothing so Yeah)


still tho and not to Overstress myself but still have fun

i did Go ahead and Sculpt a New Hybird, this time to Challange Goji Guy´s Vex


Name : Squally, Squalosaurus prasinus (Light Shark lizard)

length : 23 feet (7meters Long)

Weight : 4.5 Toones

Animals used :

  • Orca
  • Temnodontosaurus
  • Atlantic blue fin Tuna
  • Great white Shark
  • Tiger shark
  • Sprem whale
  • Bottlenosed Dolphin
  • kitefin shark

made the base sculpt today and right now im just relaxing however, just know i already got a Script ready and i´ll also be makeing a 3D Model of Vex for this proejct too.

Over all YEAH i was hopeing to have Willa Brown´s multires Done today, atleast the body but, honestly as i did my morning walk the thought came to me about if it would be Better if i Actually didn´t have mean crease when doing Doily and than i thought to myself, Hey Why Not Start the harbit with Willa Brown? so yeah still tho thought of doing Squally as a good Reward for getting bakeing done on Willa Brown fully as... well I Hate bakeing, has gotten better with the cage thing BUT STILL THO! anyways so... my Plan so far is THIS and i want to highlight it so i make SURE it´s not forgotten.

I will Get the Squally Video done, get Models of Vex and Squally done, Do the Narration, edit and animate it all and THAN i can get Willa Brown Done, might even have gotten more Used to multires by than



Posted by Yokomation - 11 days ago


got Willa Brown and Belty´s Retopo done today.

multires tomorrow, unsure what i would add a 6th layer to on Willa brown, well outside of Willa Brown´s Teeth here of course, i´ll figure out about that tomorrow.

something else unsure about

Textureing the piranha here, tried eariler but i think it´s all the textures i got really makes it hrader for me to pick.


i think it might be mostly because i got soo much to play with now tho, there is also the fact i kinda wanna make sure it Looks Right and is done in the right way too.



Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago


OK so went ahead and i Think it´s Better if i do her Hair with the Particals and actually Rig it instead of useing Polgon hair

IDK the thought of the UV Mapping was a bit much for me so yeah. than agian better to leave it for now,

BTW if i Do go with the plans i do i´ll likely Rig it up like this

so Did that, got her Goggoles done, prepared some Hair for Refs and also Get her body setup,


Well Been board with just Drawing now and feeling like getting anywhere, i Actually instead just Went ahead and Sculpted a

Piranha, looking at the time i did post this i sadly wouldn´t be able to do retopo on it BUT! im actually planning to Do that, as well as do some Multires Sculpting, Textureing, Basicly make it a fully animateable model, this Fish is NOT on my todo list and was just for fun´s Sakes, a good reason as to why i did it is mostly as a Test run as, i do miss Doily, Nat and Kitube and i also feel like and like i said, got a bit board with Drawing and i feel like i got more than enough model sheets and desigins and critters in 2D so, i feel like about time i do turn them 3D.


but yeah, Tomorrow i´ll get Willa Brown´s Body Retopo done as well as getting Retopo done for our little fish here.


Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago


OK, Get Retopo on Willa Brown´s Head done alongside her eyebrrows and eyelashes,

it did take a bit of time tho thinking about What i´d Like to Do vs What i would need regarding textureing,

as i did say, right now plans are i would like to Do some Textureing prep work and tho i might have changed my mind about Doing the Colors fully, mostly because that way i Would Also get Everthing else Ready for when i Do get to the Specular, Roughness and all those maps, i might still do that.

However a thing i do wanna Say now is well saveing hair for tomorrow, mostly because i want to Get it Looking right and Be Useable, YES im well aware i have done Poly hair in the past, However if i want to do it For Willa Brown, might be best to use these curves for it,

mostly because i Think they might Hopefully be Useful when i do Bake them and Texture and Weight piant them for Rigging and animation, it´s Best if i convert these hair curves into a mesh tho i might not we´ll see.

So yeah Willa Brown´s modeling is going Strong, i hope i Sorted out a good plan for the next phase Post Multires on Willa Brown and Hercy, as i would Like to Get Baked Textures ready and everything for those bits and how many would be useful.

Also worth pionting out, i might Actually unironicly Do Doily, Nat, Kitube and Skittles as well as Grumpy after multires Sculpting is done on Hercy and i Start To Texture Willa Brown. IDK might be a great way to kill some time.

also don´t Worry i´ll still use hair particles for Willa Brown tho, not for her head but for her shorts tho, i feel like that Sort of thing looks better, same gose for Fur and feathers.

anyways i Guess that´s it for now. Willa Brown´s Hair for tomorrow, wish me good luck.


Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago


Next up Retopo for Willa Brown and Belty, than the multires and THAN

over To do the Same for Hercy who has just goteen a new eye texture.



Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago

just missing her Boots, shorts, Plates and of course Belty too


right now i´ll just Try to Stick to my plans, Getting Willa Brown´s Sculpt, Retopo and Multires Done first than the same for Hercy before i than move onto Textureing Willa Brown, idea is to Try and break my Loop i have been stuck in for a long time and has prevented me from doing any projects Lately (inlcudeing Jurassica) and also get more used to the workflow.

im actually considering to do some models to kill some time BTW, not sure who tho i´ll come maybe, Sculpting chracters is not a hard chocie but picking whice ones is,

But anyways Getting Willa Brown done tomorrow hopefully, Don´t Want to be a Perfectionist here and well hope to cook up some cool shit soon.


Posted by Yokomation - 3 weeks ago


Willa Brown is almost done, just missing her hands and Feet

and her Clothing and metal plates too, than i can sculpt Belty.


you want to know a big Problem i have had and Actually have been a Reason why i haven´t gotten any projects off and even models... i got a Prefectionist problem as a matter of fact and as a reslut i did give Up on Jurassica a 3rd time in a loop and all, i want to get out of this Problematic loop now and i gotta put the Effort into it.

admitting it is a good first step, next things are going to be harder as i did get Started on this right after Jurassica was dropped, honestly feels like forever i last got animateing and i know why now...

and i honestly want a hug now, feeling a bit down.