We got the castorcreatops Ref model done and we plan to start drawing it later today
A few Surpiseing things came up to me for this Project,
One, Been the Fact im not going to make this a documentary, menaing it´s Just gonna be dinosaurs Been dinosaurus,
without any of them talking,
Another Thing i never thought i would get into this, Even if it´s a BIG IF, is haveing a Human character in the Pinehawk´s Story, Not a Cavegirl, that would be too far, But maybe more in lines of an eskimo Girl, she might getting into the Project mostly of the Storyline with the Pinehawk
So far im planning to have 3 lead roles, with 3 plots, some of those crossing parths
- a Tale of Turst via the Pinehawk
- the Struggle of the hogheads
- the Mother Leotyrannus
some ideas, especially the One with the Pinehawk and the idea of removeing Narration and not make it a doch really comes from the NG Flim, Savage Death Valley.
We´ll see how it gose and what i come up with.