Our First series is going to be future wildlife and we Plan to do two Episodes at a time,
Four episodes in Total
EP1: Welcome Back.... to Jurassic world
250 MYFN
EP2: the Dreams we left will open the Door
EP3: a Feather to Pluck
180 MYFN
EP4: Queen of the Beast
as this will be our First series, i might try my best to take it Easy as i do plan to Make the First two episodes,
Prehaps a Small Project (Just Like how to keep a Dragon was) before moveing on to the final two episodes.
Already we´re Createing the Creatures for the first epiosde.
because my mother and father wanted me to, it´s even going to Youtube, However i´d Post it to That Site once we got the First two episodes done with the first episode of Future wildlfie getting to Newgorunds first before then.
your series is gonna look great pal hope it stays that way forever