yeah im takeing a Break from twitter as well as waiting untill saturday to get Started on a Project,
right now, im currently planning a new Orignal idea called Squama zoo
more to come next monday.
of course Other Projects too, untill then, im going set up Projects for the future, inculdeing a Future wildlife remaster and maybe getting Kokalo og Sarfina on the run too.
everyday untill saturday, atleast one or Two new Projects should be added.
@Crashgen I dont get it...
People hate on twitter but so far I havent had a single problem with it.
Whats the main issue with twitter?
im Fine with Twitter it´s just because i needed a break from it to Spend some time on Youtube and newgorunds. All the Darma and shit always makes me feel a bit confused plus, i would like to have my Youtube Conut of subs match atleast the amount of Fellowers on twitter.