YEP, Mostly for Tech´s sake and the very Fact it was a video that ended up with Over 1K views on my versy first Youtube channel, it´s getting a new Coat of piant,
now about the Two series(SqumaZoo and Primal Gladiator) WELP Depends really on what i wanna do first BUT i might delete one of them for the Rebootline up by Tomorrow as that´s the last day for any changes to this list
(planning to start modeling on saturday)
Thus i´ll see what i wanna do, i did Add Primal Gladiator onto the list mostly for the Fact that i already got the model sheets ready for that one and if i were to do my First Animated series, it should have Model sheets be done for that.
SO we´ll see how things gose, planning to make whatever the Next Project should be Yellow,
Also I have been Feeling Fully Relaxed for sometime now, feels good.