She´s Lookin Good so far, After Dasiy Hanna we will Do Doily B,Fox, Nat and Kitube Before moveing over to Willa Brown and Hercy, Reason been i wanna make Quoll Alone in Lost worlds a Major Project for next year,
also hopeing to make more videos soon, we did a little animation Test on YouTube for Leotyrannus Let´s hope the best.
this is the work list so far, think i might add a few more models before getting a new laptop,
Think it might be able to handel
1 - Leotyrannus(Done)
2 - Daisy Hanna (In Works)
3 - Doily B,Fox
4 - Nat
5 - Kitube
6 - Willa Brown
7 - Hercy
8 - Alcelaphardo
9 - Crocutasaurus-Rex
10 - Skittles
11 - Leotyrannus (2ND TAKE)
12 - Daisy Hanna (2ND TAKE)
13 - Tyranucus
14 - Alice Magpie
15 - Jabberwocky
16 - Pukka