just missing the Rigging and we´re done
also planning at the End of Fowl to have a Big Ol
Thank You pic(Much like in FNAF4) with alot of models, as this is Future Wildlife´s Reboot after all so, might take a little longer to get Fowl out as, i might need a few more models then planned BUT
this would be my List then for critters in need for this thank you pic as, i feel like i have come a long way with this whole CGI thingy and with the new version of Blender so, might be worth shareing everything that lead to this
SO Here´s the Critters i wanna have on that thank you pic then:
- Nat
- Kitube (DONE)
- Doily (DONE)
- Willa Brown (DONE)
- Hercy
- Beth H,Hally
- Auther Patterson
- Yossi(Old and New)(model ready)
- Yoko Littner(model ready)
- Rockstar Freddy(model ready)
- Raion Kuma
- O-Buta
- Swamphorn
- Fowl (VERY VERY SOON done)
- Yokogator
- Boraffe
- Leotyrannus(Maybe?)
- Grubcock(Also Maybe??)
- Weegee monster(BIG IF)
also this was the Orignal Version of this but at the end i thought if iam going to Give Kitube a new Fur shader,
i might as well wait before we´re done with the whole Project then and everyone i need are here
After Fowl, it´s time for future Wildlife and, i think it´s Better to have as many Models Ready as i can have for that first Episode
as far as Models needed for Fowl
- Fowl
- Raion Kuma
- Kiragusu
- Neffer
- Swamphorn