SO! got them all done in sculpted formart,
i think i wanna wait untill tomorrow before i get going on the Retopo Side of things, first of tho wanna get Doily Ready for it as i´ll start there, as such i´ll get the Retopo Refs for Nat and Kitube ready once that same is done for Doily, on a side note i might aslo like, maybe just before i start rigging Doily, Nat and Kitube here, i might Blockout for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles too, also almost ready, just missing Nat´s lines as well as few for dallas plus something to make some fun at the Whole Animation is for kids thing,
so yeah, done with our sculpting, hurray yay now missing the Retopo, Textureing and everything eles too,
can´t wait to get it done, gonna also get thier eyes done once Retopo is done too.
if i´d say, this challange has proved to me i can do 3 Models at a time, atleast sculptingwise and i wanna improve here too, can´t wait to get the Retopo and everything eles done with our models and i can see myself doing this sort of thing in the future.