Now just missing Kitube´s Textureing and we´re done
But first i wanna get my Platformer Game Project Sally Rockstargal a new look, so wanna get Her done and get Kitube done Tomorrow,
After Kitube´s Textureing is done and we have done the fur and Hair,
than i´ll likely Begin on the Blockout for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles before we start rigging the Trio,
anyways Getting Sally Done right after my break,
also The idea about Sally Rockstargal´s Game is for me to use Clickteam fusion to make the Game as i think it might be the best way to get the Prerendered Graphics i wanna see however, i´ll likely not work on the game project, atleast now yet, I might spend a little Time after Spin the Bottle to get Models Ready, those Models been More improten OC´s Sally, The Beast, Willa Brown, Hercy Leotyrannus you name it, the one or more models workflow thingy from this Quoll Alone projects had made me think i can do a modelthon very VERY well, not done one and the last few ones fell down too quickly but, let´s see if this one might work.
anyways Vocie acting for Spin the bottle is now done like all of it, so i got a feeling this might save alot of time in the future.