the main trio is now done guys
now missing Three more models and we can begin animateing, how Awesome is that guys :D
the Fact i got them done all on the Same day is honestly really REALLY FUCKING COOL NGL
Ok some thoughts to this here,
i thought i would never had thought this insane of idea of makeing three models at ONCE would never make it across the line but, HERE WE FUCKING ARE! Nat, Doily and Kitube, lookin better than ever and for real, i will likely also do it wiht Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles Too, i honestly don´t care how long it took it feels Amazing to have these guys 100% done right now on the same day, so i´ll likely get the Raion Kuma done alongside Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles too,
but for now i´ll take a break, and before you ask no it didn´t feel too Stressful and was honestly feeling Good like i didn´t have that Same worrying feeling i normal had when working on 1 model, anyways i have eanred this break for now. gonna be Great getting Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles Done and than begin animateing. hell yeah