Grumpy is now done,
I auto Pilot´d this one mostly, got his gills done yesterday,
so than my thoughts are currently that, i might need to improve a bit on my retopo skills, they look good for Quoll Alone right now but, to be honest i still think i can improve, good thing with the Raion Kuma, i plan to use that model for not just Retopo but also multires sculpting, tho i might also use the tounge and gums for that tho im unsure about the teeth for the momment, gonna be alot of work but, i´ll be worth it in the end,
in a way with the Raion kuma it´s gonna be the new way of doing things where as these three models here are the old ways of doing things, i might re-Do Doily, Nat and Kitube´s Models in the future tho, at most i plan just to Re-Texture Doily and Dallas shorts for now atleast, most likely after Willa Brown´s model is done. over all fun to work on grumpy but i do think i it shows i still need some improvemeants in the Retopo area of things,
wish me good luck tomorrow on Skittles guys