this Project´s already 10 mintues and 90 seconds long THANK FUCKING GOD! i Set our A Good Plan for myself,
now then, here´s a list of scenes (segmeants really) to do for me and when i can do them
Scenes i can do after the current four models im working on a done(Alex, Conner, T.Rex and Stego)
- Lockerroom scene
- Coffee shop scene
- Alex and the T-Rex Scene
Scenes i can do after the next bunch of models are done(lythonax, Galli, Kosmocreatops and Nastuocreatops)
- Creatopsian fight (2/2)
- Alex and Conner Sully Walking to work
- the Ending
- Newgrounds Intro
Scenes i can do once ALL the models are done(Yoko Ruby, caudipteryx, Dryosaurus and saurolophus)
- Creatopsian fight (1/2)
- lythonax vs stegosaurus fight(Unless i wanna do it with out the dryosaurus and saurolophus)
- First Lythonax scene
- First Stegosaurus scene
- Yoko Ruby opening titles
RIGHT THEN, i might update this list as time gose by but, just know i´ll stick to this list for now.