we´re All Set, unsure how to work this shit out but, i think if i wanna get Shit done the right way, this whole year,
the future of this channel... It´s All Set Ready here for me, no turning around here, Storyboard animation´s Ready, We´re Almost done with our four models and almost ready, we know how to bake textures, i got a way to do it,
NOW then, se texture Alex, We Texture Conner Sully, We Texture our Dinosaurs and will Texture everything like this in the future, The bakeable maps are ready for after we have baked Alex johanna,
so as Scar Always Say,
Be Prepared,
that said i think one last Way to Prepare Alex Johanna here is to of course, Getting her real Eye textures ready now
and to do that. i might need to Jump into blender for one... last surpise.