HELL YEAH, all five Blockout´s are Now DONE
Got Ogata here done and well well what you know
also got Godzilla here done too, bit of a shame i didn´t Work futher on him, i would had 100% Done the retopology on this model but, i think i´ll do the Plates first on the G.P.N´s Godzilla model before i do any more work on this guy here.
and YES Retopo on that Guys plates is planned for the Sculpting phase, i think the Reason i didn´t do it on this guy here is because well i wasn´t Really in the mood for it. or Something.
even with all that in mind, i did come up with some Really REALLY good so far and i came futher then i Ever Thought i would Do today on it surpiseing enough, tho i was looking very VERY much forward to this so Hey why not?
the Fact still stands tho i did this in Two days, not Prefect but Still Pretty Cool and i did it without Even starting out blocking it out, like i said,
Started out when i was watching the CGboost Creature Forge Course, thought i was board and then gave it a shot, and WELP here we are, im not sure if i put as much Effort into it as i did for Hercy and Willa Brown´s models Eariler but still worthy of saying WOW at at i think.
makes me wonder if i put in the same amount of Effort and do more how far i can Really Get tomorrow.
also tomororw it´s FINALLY TIME to Sculpt Godzilla for the G.P.N. well atleast so far, not sure after getting the Quoll Alone godzilla done here i might wanna save it for later or not. if i do i might delete these and then do a Quoll Alone script where i do plan to use this Godzilla model for but, i shouldn´t let myself make excuses and all
think you all have suffered enough from my Procrastinationing problems and indeed after a few chirstmas gifts i promised to myself to NEVER EVER leave something uncomplete,
tho the G.P.N script is about 23 page´s long now and the Quoll Alone one is about at 7 pages long so, might be good to think over things then.