SOOOOOOO, this unplanned but good model is almsot done then,
Weather or not im going to Re-Do the texture´s depends Really on with The Next Model here.
but one think i can say for sure is that im warming up to it Now i can pose it and the textureing isn´t as much of a Problem as it once was...
even if there are a few Bakeing Mistakes made
and i think the scales do look a bit like a mess to me
BUT those are just my thoughts for now and as for the next Model i´ll be working on well, the poll has spoken and
everything is likely to be a bit more normal with Me Starting on Doily
Tho first i might give a Re-Texture a Go BEFORE i Begin on This as i might use it in my 9th Quoll Alone project, Giveing Goji an improved more animated look to his textures to give him that HTTYD Pixar Look.