bad News, im not getting Willa Brown and Hercy After Grumpy is done,
Good news : Jurassica´s on it´s way, the Opening was cut thus Resluting atleast for now, a 10 min and 16 sec long video
in edition the idea is to try out a few new idea´s, like Say im going to bake out an ambient occlusion Maps as well as maybe also far more Advanced Rigging and im going to Try and Sculpt things in Blender 4.1, been currently been makeing models only in Blender 4.0 right now as i used to make models in one version of Blender but animate in another,
i might still do that tho, handeling the Textureing and Rigging in 4.1(or 4.2 if it has Released by the time Grumpy is done who knows)