as of writting now, im currently working on her SSS,
as of now i did her Specular a 2nd time Yesterday and it turned out Pretty damn good and the Roughness map, welp went down faster but also good, i think i want something that Looks Real but also works out for a the art style too,
something not too real but, Not too Stylized either, i can say that for Yoko Ruby on the SSS right now tho on the spec maps and roughness i just wanted to make it look like skin so, gotta think about for from now on, Got four more People on the list and who knows what/Who i do as a time killer after Arlo.
Speaking of Arlo, Been stuck on his Multires Of Scales and i made some VDM Maps for him, i might get Started on him later tho currently saveing all of that for After Yoko Ruby´s done with her Textureing(might be at the half way piont or not)
who knows, still the VDM might also allow for cool new things to DragoGen, right now planning to do a Hornmoth Dragon as another time killer model because of VDM as well as drawing the Amber spitter.