ALRIGHT i got no Clue as to how i did Her Textureing (Outside haveing done what was done in this video and adding in displacemeant maps and curvature maps)
BUT i can safely say Doily might actually look better already then Yoko Ruby did and spending two days on Pianting her out like this was totally worth it, i think it might come up agian when i do Willa Brown tho, i did consider sculpting Nat but thought it´s best if i save him for after Doily´s done so instead doing a DragoGen Script, Winter Rescues, a Fun adventure to Really Kick off DragoGen as an animated series so, learning how to do a good Skin shader is improten, SOO how i did Doily over Two days now might not had been a bad idea spending two days on it, in anyway i got Nat and Kitube to Prefect the Workflow.
anyways Tomorrow it´s time for the specular and roughness Maps as well as SSS Maps and all of that stuff before i roll out with a cage to bake her.
also here is a nail pic, Details look cool right?