OK so With Jurassica Safari Park, got Akio´s Sculpting done, trying to Get the diplodocus done, tomorrow it´s time for the Retopo and im also planning on HOW i would like to do things, I think Doing the Actual Storyboarding is Still a bit ahead in the future tho, by That i mean when i get the last bunch of model Sheets done, got a good idea i can do the 2D Animatic non linear whice is a Great Thing NGL, it means i can Get Scenes done i can tackle the Hardest Parts first and maybe even upload the scenes to YouTube(Hidden of coruse) and see how it all works in form of a Playlist before i do the Previz in 3D and final animations that is Also worked on non linear oder
now Here are some things of note and how i Slove it
- There are atleast 18(19 with Yoko Ruby of course) models i need for this Project however due to that im takeing Advantage of that Fact and starting on 4 models, Sculpting one at first, Akio the T-Rex and than maybe doing a few more(might Do Alex and Conner Together due to them likely to have the same Textures, skin and clothing and so on) because there are 18, i divide and conquer So to speak, divideing it into 9, 6 than to 3.
- Jurassica Safari Park is 18 pages long, meaning it is longer than the Last version that is 11 pages long and Longer than where is Skittles, unsure how i wanna tackle it however it might be Better if i Do it once i got to a Good and Soild piont, like say the Last bunch of model sheets are done, Meaning all the Charaters i need are ready and i´ll get thier eyes ready too.
- one Clear thing i got in mind is i will Use the Storyboard animation Models for drawing the Storyboards kinda like i use 3D sculpts for my main model sheets, i´ll likely do the animatic as i have done for my YT Intro minus useage of a 3D model.
- some Familie members asked me last year about longer Videos and i agree it is about time i do more of those, been too long i did that, i don´t want this end up like how Where is Skittles did and that is kinda of the big fear i got with it, but hopefully wtih good Planning and by Divideing it into good chunks, hopefully Jurassica Just another day will be a much better time for me
other than that these four things are what is on my mind, i might update later but, wish me the best of luck, takeing baby steps right now here.