NOW THAN! Time for Conner´s Sculpt and Retopo and we can get Akio´s model done fully before i Get Alex Johanna done and so on,
ALRIGHT so here´s my Plans right now
- Get Conenr Sully´s Sculpt and Retopo done
- Get Akio the T-Rex Done fully
- make a Good Teaser for Jurassica Safari Park to hype Everyone up(maybe First off tho Storyboards and an animatic shall be done)
- Stick to the Plans, make three to four models at a time
- get Masie and Terry´s model sheets done and Get the eyes ready for them and the Allosaurus
- if i Feel Ready for it, get Storyboards and Animatics Done
Small Steps have been taken and while i have been wanting to do some other things, i brushed those off and have stayed on Target, right than, battle´s not over yet, going to Get Conner Sully´s Face Sculpt done, i think i might however just do the Blockout of his eyes and face muscles and be done for today.