OK, i gotta be honest here, the whole Textureing workflow, likely new stuff about it and everything is kinda makeing it hard to it done, not because it´s a lot of work but, it´s Kinda makeing it hard for me, im actually feeling kinda Confused this time around rather than feeling like alot of work around it, like unsure how to do things or whatever and i honestly don´t got a clear plan, with Akio i just went STRAIGHT AHEAD on it but here, im more like "Is this right" or "do i need to do it" IDK kinda of a hard feeling to Describe right now...
feelling like there´s alot ahead of me and for some reason i KINDA wanna Start on a smaller Scale project but than agian not because Akio´s almost done and after Getting Alex and Conner done here with Basic rigging, Textureing and Multires it´s onto getting Akio done.
and YET, Kirta and the new workflows regarding textureing and me wanting to get more used to Blender and been able to make more models Faster also kinda tug at me.
anyways got Alex´s Skin color done. same for the tounge, teeth and hair, i tried to get her nails done but IDK.
might be best if i save those for tomorrow a bit chaotic and organization and planning everything feels a bit hard to do.
i Think i got the nails done and it´s mostly the Fact i Prefer to use These sorts of texture maps here instead of procedural textures