Willa Brown´s Looking Great, while im unsure when i should do her Hair,
right now i think im good to go for now and saveing the Rest for tomorrow, i also hard to Color in the Jabba smaug art, wish i had deleted that kirta file after i made this post here.
thought i´d like to update Willa Brown in a good way and same with Hercy too,
thought i would make Hercy´s Neck a little Shorter and his head Slightly bigger too as you can see here, thought Hercy would Look better if he had that change done to him and more bird like too.
anyways Plans so far are i´ll first Get Willa Brown(and Belty)´s Sculpt, Retopo and Multires done first than The Same for
Hercy before i Get to work on thier Textureing