OK, Get Retopo on Willa Brown´s Head done alongside her eyebrrows and eyelashes,
it did take a bit of time tho thinking about What i´d Like to Do vs What i would need regarding textureing,
as i did say, right now plans are i would like to Do some Textureing prep work and tho i might have changed my mind about Doing the Colors fully, mostly because that way i Would Also get Everthing else Ready for when i Do get to the Specular, Roughness and all those maps, i might still do that.
However a thing i do wanna Say now is well saveing hair for tomorrow, mostly because i want to Get it Looking right and Be Useable, YES im well aware i have done Poly hair in the past, However if i want to do it For Willa Brown, might be best to use these curves for it,
mostly because i Think they might Hopefully be Useful when i do Bake them and Texture and Weight piant them for Rigging and animation, it´s Best if i convert these hair curves into a mesh tho i might not we´ll see.
So yeah Willa Brown´s modeling is going Strong, i hope i Sorted out a good plan for the next phase Post Multires on Willa Brown and Hercy, as i would Like to Get Baked Textures ready and everything for those bits and how many would be useful.
Also worth pionting out, i might Actually unironicly Do Doily, Nat, Kitube and Skittles as well as Grumpy after multires Sculpting is done on Hercy and i Start To Texture Willa Brown. IDK might be a great way to kill some time.
also don´t Worry i´ll still use hair particles for Willa Brown tho, not for her head but for her shorts tho, i feel like that Sort of thing looks better, same gose for Fur and feathers.
anyways i Guess that´s it for now. Willa Brown´s Hair for tomorrow, wish me good luck.