Squally´s almost done guys,
WOW! While yesterday didn´t got as planned, i Think for the future i might Actually Start to consider bakeing Textures before i move onto the next Set, i´ll do it for Vex however SSS Setups will remain the same a son Squally. i did get Squally´s Eyes done,
also i figured out a new way to do eyes, one i´ll likely use for the Future For all my Creature models(none Quoll Alone models AND Human characters due to Style Chocies)
unlike With Jurassica´s Models, im not going to be useing Textures for the Eyes so, the Old Same system as i did for Eggs is back, BUT! instead of useing an alpha, Squally and also Vex´s Eyes will be useing a Transmission, thus,
well, I hope you can see it on Squally´s Eyes, the Eyes are animatable AND look as Real as they can be, and thinking about THAT! i think it might soon be time to bring back Future wildlife.