feel like the last few days have honestly been kinda hard for, the Death of Twitter Was something i DID NOT SEE,
like Elon put that 300/600 post limts thingy but, i can a sure you, it was something at did get me off the site for good,
like sure it´s not completely dead but, yeah i Have logged off my twitter via on the Laptop, i deleted it on my IPad and im waiting a commission to be done before i do the same on my phone, so from here on now than?
welp i think i wanna get back to YouTube, as well as useing tumblr, intragram and Newgrounds too, and Facebook too, useful for WIP´s NGL,
as well as that tomorrow i´ll get to Work on Future Wildlife ep1 and you know back to makeing animation now,

planning to make a new mascot for my channel too, likely a tomboy gal for the start of my video´s

got a feeling it won´t be Easy finding VA´s as it was on Twitter but, hey i´ll do my best,
also if what i had to see wasn´t enough to make people Quit twitter, i got a feeling things might be worse ahead, just hopeing my friends there will be easy to find too, RIGHT THAN! so let us get started, getting the mulk Sketechlines done than we can begin on the baselines and also get Regosuchus done.