Going to get the Feet and front paws done tomorrow as well as his full body sculpt and maybe, also a saddle,
than once Hercy is done, i´ll get Mizu and Nemo done and THAN the Retopo can begin,
been alot of work and i wouldn´t be surpised as a good little filler video, Mizu might get a short animation set underwater as well as one for Nemo too.

also got an idea to maybe get Blockout´s for our other dragons, those been the Hornmoth, Pokaui and Honey claw,
he´s almost done so, better do my best, Mizu on her way, i have been looking forward to work on Mizu and Nemo,
gonna be GREAT! and i hope to giveing them anything from a Cameo to a big Role tho somewhere in the middle for Eggsnatcher seems Best.