can´t wait to use this model for an upcomming project im currently working on.
Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds
Age 26, Male
Vipperødgårds Alle 24
Joined on 6/22/17
Posted by Yokomation - November 11th, 2022
can´t wait to use this model for an upcomming project im currently working on.
Posted by Yokomation - November 2nd, 2022
YEAH didn´t go as Planned BUT!!!
wanna do a quick little change to plans and with what i have learned with bakeing, i think now´s a Better time then any to do the One Big Reboot we all have been waiting for,
first off a Teaser Featureing our Raion Kuma
i´ll likely make Future Wildlife my Biggest Project YET, not as big as Jurassica Was tho but, big enough for it´s Length, i´ll also as a new thing commission a few Artist for Scene´s in this too to help me see how it might turn out,
in edition new Tricks to Improve Animation and the Models and everthing, will make this hopefully the greatest comeback in web media history, hopefully,
first model will be the Raion Kuma for a teaser before we do everything elese.
i might have Deleted Willa Brown and Thorwn out the idea about analog horror 100% for my channel and BUT!
i think it´s Worth it.
Posted by Yokomation - October 25th, 2022
it´s not prefect but... gromming will be done tomorrow because, WELP.
i think i got most of the textureing done and it was a learning curve NGL,
i might even do a what shall we say, a retextureing of Willa Brown in the future once i got Hercy done, there´ll be an Animation test of this model don´t worry.
YEAH anyways like i said, i´ll get her hair done tomorrow then the rigging too.
Posted by Yokomation - October 19th, 2022
bakeing Willa Brown has to everyone´s Surpise not been Easy,
alot of trial and error today and yeasterday,
but enough has been done that i think it might not be a bad idea that, After Fishing with New friends(a DragoGen project)
we might do a Re-Textureing for Doily, Nat and Kitube before doing a project with say Grumpy.
anyways wish me good luck on all the Models im doing.
Posted by Yokomation - October 5th, 2022
would NOT be surpised if the Sculpting on her would be takeing two weeks due to the Amount of details and Belty too.
then it´s onto her Retopo,
but she is well and underway now, i think Hercy will alot more Easy to Do but a Detailed as Willa Brown´s Main sculpt too, i just wanna Improve my sculpting Skills for her because, unlike Nat Doily and Kitube i think Willa Brown should be alot more Detailed.
anyways she is ture and well underway now and more work on her Body will be done tomorrow.
Posted by Yokomation - September 20th, 2022
got my First bit of Animation done for the Post ending for Quoll Alone where is the Backgorund,
and i wanna state this, These Models might get a Re-Texture and Re-Rigging for our next Quoll Alone project, it´s mainly due to the fact Willa Brown´s model and Hercy´s will be better then ever, alot more time and effort will be put into those and other then that, i´d like to Add tho, i won´t make new Models of these guys (NOT YET!!!!) but when the time comes for new textures and rigging, i´ll let you know
other then that the Short is almost done
5/10 of the Animation is done and the Way i did this scene to prepare for it was a good one,
so good in fact i might forever do it on every project, anyways im calling it done for Today,
poseing and all that for tomorrow.
and after this, i might get a DragoGen project done or even Future Wildlife after haveing saved these Models onto a save drive for later useage like i said, even if i did make a hint to what i might do.
End of log
Posted by Yokomation - September 17th, 2022
missing a few more bits of Animation, a scene featureing Doily B,Fox as well as Ending titles too.
After this is done, it´s time for Willa Brown´s Model as well as Hercy´s new Model too,
also might redesigin Beth and Auther Soon enough and they´ll look Really cool, turst me.
Posted by Yokomation - September 11th, 2022
Hers a Sneek peak on how the Remake of one of my first Ever Video i posted onto Newgournds looks like so far, im going to animate very soon and i´ll likely use the Same Workflow as i did on Jurassica, first off playing with the Models like figures a bit then block it out in pose´s and shit, also the Waterfall there isn´t just a Static texture, you´ll see what i mean
as for our next Models?
Welp getting Hot and unlike Quoll Alone, this time i think we might need some Real Textureing Work done to Prefect these Models here
Posted by Yokomation - September 3rd, 2022
just missing his Weight pianting, complex rigging and everything eles,
also got Vocie acting for Nat and Kitube ready, now About Doily tho,
i have been asking my good Pal Itoruna about it but, With this just been a remake of Where is the Backgorund. if nothing gose as Planned im either the Bonus post Ending or looking for a new VA For Doily.
Posted by Yokomation - August 31st, 2022
gonna Save his Multires Sculpt for tomorrow BUT a quick promise to myself,
when doing Willa Brown, i wanna get her Multires Done the Same day i get her Retopo done.
anyways gonna be fun to complet Kitube´s Textures tomorrow as well as adding in some fur.