Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - August 31st, 2021

I may not use cavity maps (Outside of Dinosaurs and other Scaely Critters) but on a Plus side,

we DID get Doily done, well As Done as we can get her so far,


For real tho, this is takeing a Good amount of time, i Geuss it´s just me wanting to make her the best Really but,

I think it´s mostly due to the bakeing (That´s also a Reason why i Carpped out on those cavity maps)

but YEAH, Geuss her Gloves, Socks and shoes alongside the hair is all for tomorrow then alongside her Rigging too.


Posted by Yokomation - August 30th, 2021


I think Doily´s Back guys for good,

we´ve done an amazong job we really have guys

Planning to Start on her Multi Res Sculpting tomorrow and ALL of her textureing work too, in edition later today i´ll likely Give Where is skittles a Go agian, been too long i last saw it i think,

Whatever i think this will be a Great model, if not the best version of her and these models will be better Rigged, textured, everything really when it comes to this Project vs Where is skittles and other quoll alone stuff.



Posted by Yokomation - August 29th, 2021


Missinng her Clothing and we´re done with it and cand Begin the UVunwarpping on her,

my Wotkflow so far is as Fellows:

  • Shorts
  • Belt
  • Gloves
  • socks
  • Shoes

as Far as models before our Storyboard animation gose WELP:

- Doily

- Nat

- Kitube

- Skittles

- Roberta

- Piggyback

- Mugget

- Wallace

- Sully

- Deinonychus

- Baryonyx

- Hell Claw

so Still got ALOT OF WORK TO DO

still Doily has Earned a little Reward herself for looking pretty good so far,


Hope you Like your Jaw breaker



Posted by Yokomation - August 27th, 2021

I´d Like to say That Doily´s Sculpt is now completed


Now i would had LOVED to Do her Shoes and socks too BUT, Think i might save that sort of thing for Say Willa Brown and/or Daisy Hanna when the time comes thier thier projects or even models as i do plan to do something akin to a modelthon but, more to just chill off without any lists and shit


Retopo for tomorrow



Posted by Yokomation - August 26th, 2021


iu_400528_6434868.png(I was on 1.004 fellowers yeasterday tho, why im i Loseing mah Fellowers too quickly)

as such,

Im Putting the modelthon on a Hold(In fact Deleted the damn Google Doc) to focus on Quoll Alone in lost worlds,

currently i plan to do 12 models Before the Storyboard animations kick in

these are as fellow:

- Doily

- Nat

- Kitube

- Skittles

- Roberta

- Piggyback 

- Mugget

- Wallace

- Sully

- Deinonychus

- Baryonyx

- Hell Claw



Posted by Yokomation - August 20th, 2021

yeah, Well one untill Atleast five very improten models are done


Feel Like Twitter isn´t Helping alot with the modelthon, in fact if anything it dose Cause alot of Stress as it´s mostly useless memes that Gets the most amount of likes, so, After Getting a few models done, i´ll likely give it a Break.

Hopefully this time it´s going to be alot more Relaxing now i don´t have to Worry about Twitter, gonna be on the Platform on my Ipad, Outside that i´ll likely be on YouTube, Discord, Newgorunds and other sites im on.


Posted by Yokomation - August 19th, 2021

Because i Got no Models i animated this Scene here useing a sphere for sully the cassowary and an Image Plane for Nat, this would be how the Scene would look like in the Storyboard animation Phase for sure and it was in Fact Based off a momment from the Script, Mainly the Opening scene, i have began to Test out this way of Doing a Scene in a chase, moveing the plane below the bird as it´s Running, in the real Thing i would be useing some more BG editing tricks ln composting like with Eggs Eailer this year but, what do you guys think?

If you like this and think it would look better in the Real flesh, then i might get back to doing Quoll Alone in Lost world and get all the modes for that project done and ready and put the modelthon on a hold untill the Project´s done.



Posted by Yokomation - August 17th, 2021

Yeah Was working on Doily´s Retopo today,

Found out he was a little Too high ploy and i try to keep it a mid level and good Poly conut


Good thing THIS is not a Time im working on any Big Projects right now or even shorts but,

Still wanna get better at my 3D Art skills, You gotta Fail before you can do what you wanna do and you have Failed 100% if you Give up, That i have not, RIGHT THEN let´s Get back on the Horse and see what we´ll do from here.

Posted by Yokomation - August 14th, 2021


She´s Lookin Good so far, After Dasiy Hanna we will Do Doily B,Fox, Nat and Kitube Before moveing over to Willa Brown and Hercy, Reason been i wanna make Quoll Alone in Lost worlds a Major Project for next year,

also hopeing to make more videos soon, we did a little animation Test on YouTube for Leotyrannus Let´s hope the best.

this is the work list so far, think i might add a few more models before getting a new laptop,

Think it might be able to handel

1 - Leotyrannus(Done)

2 - Daisy Hanna (In Works)

3 - Doily B,Fox

4 - Nat

5 - Kitube

6 - Willa Brown

7 - Hercy

8 - Alcelaphardo

9 - Crocutasaurus-Rex

10 - Skittles

11 - Leotyrannus (2ND TAKE)

12 - Daisy Hanna (2ND TAKE)

13 - Tyranucus

14 - Alice Magpie

15 - Jabberwocky

16 - Pukka


Posted by Yokomation - August 12th, 2021

After a bit of Breakdown and Burnout,

i have Prepared Daisy Hanna for her 3D model (So basicly a Reversed of the Redesignathon with leotyrannus been after her there)

i did Explain why i think it might be a good idea on Twitter but short answer was really to have some fun plus for the Future of this modelthon


Alright then, Speeding up from Leotyrannus, thought over doing her Tomorrow From blockout to Sculpt in one Snatch,

Wish me good luck on this.
