our cryolophotherium model is Almost done with the Retopo, just missing limbs and claws and we can add in a new set of eyes, some multi res Sculpting and Textures, alongsid of coruse Fur.
it´s going to be amazing because, now with hair practicals been Alot more Easy to do and Faster to render, this might end up becomeing what the Old Version didn´t, more Realstic. as far we planning for vocie acting, my plan is to not have any like last time, mostly because of Krakken: Adventure of future ocean, in a Snese, this is that turned into a series, fuly CGI animated without any vocie acting and as Realistic as we can do it
however due to the Fact there ain´t any vocies, i would like to know of any Genres that cloud work best for this on newgorunds, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Side news:
planning for once i have done two models of the improten ones, i might reveal them via Twitter, giveing People some Renders and talk a bit about them too,
also no Script planned, two Reason, first is mostly because i wanna get used to the Work flow i came up with for How to keep a Dragon and 2nd, no Vocie acting makes it Really Hard to Write anything down, plus it might allow me to get ideas for new creature desigins for BG cameos.