Feel like For sculpting Humans, i might wanna wait untill DragoGen.
THUS we´re sticking with the normal Yokomation Logo,
Now on to Eotyrannus
Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds
Age 26, Male
Vipperødgårds Alle 24
Joined on 6/22/17
Posted by Yokomation - May 23rd, 2020
Feel like For sculpting Humans, i might wanna wait untill DragoGen.
THUS we´re sticking with the normal Yokomation Logo,
Now on to Eotyrannus
Posted by Yokomation - May 22nd, 2020
anyways my plan is to get Doily´s Model done and ready for a new Logo to these series
Doily here shall be Remodeled Tomorrow, meaning we´re giveing her Socks, a Belt and her Gloves on tomorrow,
as well as improve her
Posted by Yokomation - May 21st, 2020
So i had just Completed DragoGen´s Final episode,
wanted to get a Dinosaur dochmentray thing going on when out of Fucking nowhere,
Yeah Looks like THIS is how things Gonna Look
Also tomorrow we´ll begin sculpting Doily here,
Just wanna try to get Used to the new Keybaords on my Laptop
wish me good luck and this news came RIGHT out of Nowhere.
Yet DragoGen is about parallel universes and Such, so funny enough THAT CAME BY the day i just completed season 1´s Scripts.
Posted by Yokomation - May 21st, 2020
All DragoGen episodes are done,
season one´s Script is Pretty much complet
this means we´ll soon enough get Started on Doily and Nat for our new Logo to Yokomation studios.
soon after That, it´s on to life of the Dinosaurs.
But first i think for the best now, a nice little Break.
Posted by Yokomation - May 20th, 2020
Sony vegas is Now Working.
Also i might have another Project in works alongside DragoGen
That´s Right, Life of The Dinosaurs might be go toe to toe With DragoGen as our first series,
3 Parts in total.
Feel like it´s a good Thing to do so i can take a nice break from DragoGen and a nice start too as i have Planned my schedule Pretty well and it´s gonna go something like this
Planning to do Nat and Doily first tho.
Need some models for a good ending Logo now im doing series like those.
Posted by Yokomation - May 20th, 2020
Im wirtting this as my first Blog on my new Laptop,
We have already redownloaded Blender 3D, and GIMP on it as well as logged onto the apps i need to be on,
Like Discord, Twitter, facebook and so on,
However had some Problems getting sony vegas back onto it
If anyone can help me, let me know, it´s Importen i get it to work and i don´t Wanna spend money on a new software
(if anyone wanna know i usely only pick between vegas Pro and vegas movie studio)
Im planning to get it done once my dad comes home later,
For now tho.
To avoid any bad feelins i wanna end this on the Fact we´ve done the final episode´s Script for DragoGen
we´re Takeing a good amount of time with this one as, every other episode has been buliding up to this one
so by Logic, this should be the best episode,
once it´s done, it´s on to modeling, i might reuse the old model sheets but, update the Style
but im 100% going in with new models for sure, im we´re Planning to Sculpt Willa Brown, now We´re almost done with the scripts..
It Began the momment i saw the The Mandalorian and the dark crystal age of resistance,
I thought to myself, We Need some REAL Animated Series, not Cash cows like Family guy and Spongebob anymore.
And thus it became so, Prepare for me to treart the animation more like that of a movie and Hopefully the same amout of love and care as the BBC do to Nature Programs.
Now this is my first Series so, Promise nobody go too Hash on it weather be on the Stories or even the fact there are only four episodes.
Posted by Yokomation - May 19th, 2020
Yeah just like ep1, the 3rd one was another one day episode,
However, the 4th one shall be the one we´ve been bulding up to so, i might as well make it the best, thus why im considering to spend a little longer on it.
this one will have willa Brown mother in it,
also worth noteing
as most of it is 3D animated, there is a Flashback scene in ep3 That i plan to have done in 2D animation, thus
i might hire a 2D animator, only the Best of the Best.
Posted by Yokomation - May 18th, 2020
Today I might get my new Laptop,
also worth noteing,
DragoGen is comming, as a four part season 1,
episode one has been done and currently we’re doing episode 2, meaning we’re half way on the
Scripting phase
Posted by Yokomation - May 15th, 2020
I think i might need to create new model of Willa Brown to Improve my SSS skills.
this here is the sitting i did to the Leotyrannus model you see.
next week is when im getting my new Laptop.
Posted by Yokomation - May 14th, 2020
Yeah i left my pokemon model sadly unfinished :C
However it´s mostly due to a bad night sleep last night and i wanna make GOD DANG SURE IT WON´T HAPPEN AGIAN!!!!!