Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - March 5th, 2020



We got the castorcreatops Ref model done and we plan to start drawing it later today

A few Surpiseing things came up to me for this Project,

One, Been the Fact im not going to make this a documentary, menaing it´s Just gonna be dinosaurs Been dinosaurus,

without any of them talking,

Another Thing i never thought i would get into this, Even if it´s a BIG IF, is haveing a Human character in the Pinehawk´s Story, Not a Cavegirl, that would be too far, But maybe more in lines of an eskimo Girl, she might getting into the Project mostly of the Storyline with the Pinehawk

So far im planning to have 3 lead roles, with 3 plots, some of those crossing parths

  1. a Tale of Turst via the Pinehawk
  2. the Struggle of the hogheads
  3. the Mother Leotyrannus

some ideas, especially the One with the Pinehawk and the idea of removeing Narration and not make it a doch really comes from the NG Flim, Savage Death Valley.

We´ll see how it gose and what i come up with.

Posted by Yokomation - March 4th, 2020

Today we (are almost) done the LeoTyrannus spelaea or Cave Tyrant, atleast by the time im posting this,

On the otherside we can gone down to 11 Creatures right now, Weather or not im going to make this into a WWD style documentary, or just how not Talking depends right now however im going into the documentary road as it would be something not often seen on Newgorunds.


Before long can we get the models done, However it cloud be a good idea to do a DragoGen short agian,

with Willa Brown been interviewed about how it´s like to how a Dragon.

Planning to do 10 more everyday before these Blog getting a little more Weekly untill the zero extinction is Complet and on Newgorunds.

Posted by Yokomation - March 3rd, 2020


We have Completed the Pinehawk´s Desigin and we´re planning to get it onto newgorunds tomorrow or later today,

right now we´re Currently doing the LeoTyrannus spelaeaiu_98399_6434868.jpg

Gonna do the Sketchlines plus Baselines tomorrow alongside colors most likely,

After this one is Done, And lacking only the hogheads and the castorcreatops, means likely we´ll be able to move over to

modeling, thus getting the modeling Phase one done,

Afterwards we´ll get the last remaining models ready, Fellowed maybe by Storyboarding and of coruse animateing,

hopefully these rigs will be Prefect for animation


Weather or not we´ll get a Willa Brown short is still up right now but, might be before we start modeling just to see if the edits might work out as planned.

Posted by Yokomation - March 2nd, 2020



after a Nice Break we went full on into this Project,

We´re Planning to make this a documentary and be about the a World where dinosaurs never died.

the plane so far is to get the first 5 Lead roles done, first model sheets than get thier models done before doing the models and model sheet of the 7 other creatures for our project,


we made some updates to Willa Brown

to make sure her eyes ain´t Too glossy looking, we might make a vocie over test with her so,

We might look for a vocie actor before modeling the dinosaurs for zero extinction


Posted by Yokomation - February 28th, 2020

I have lacked creative power lately and Have had a hard time getting Started on Projects right now...

if anyone can help motivate me back agian, that would be Great.

Than agian, i think i just need to chill off a bit,

after all i think i have kinda overworked myself lately with Scripts going nowhere and a Project on Hold.

I got a whole lot of new stuff planned already so, maybe it´s best to just take it easy.


Posted by Yokomation - February 13th, 2020


  • We´re Currently looking for a Vocie actor not just for Doily (Itoruna´s Computure was Sadly broken thus she missed her Deadline sadly :C) But also for Dallas
  • Quoll alone Twogether got started on however, due to the lack of vocie actors, we´re on hold right now


This will most likely change due to alot of other factors especially the first one

right now due to the lack of a Vocie actor to Doily and Dallas.

  • Winter/Spring - DragoGen
  • Summer - Future wildlife miniseries Reboot


Posted by Yokomation - January 28th, 2020

Now that Sarfina and Nixon´s model sheets are done for DragoGen...

Yeah im Board, Like Forced Board,

Just made a 40th Blog thingy to see if a butterfly Effect will Set in motion Quoll alone twogther and my 40th artwork,

YEP..... Not doinh much.... Just haveing a Break from twitter....

im ending my Break on Friday ... I might extended it....

Still nothing much in trems of updates right now....



Posted by Yokomation - January 26th, 2020

Hey This is Yokomation,

I´d Just like to say that we´re doing Great right now,

And Even if we are still missing Doily´s Vocie files for Quoll alone Twogether (and those of Dallas)

Dosen´t Mean we haven´t Been Creative,

I face i updated my work flow in Gimp and Created model sheets for the Harpy 0224 and Willa Brown,


we´ve also been alot more Active on Discord right not, but that´s mostly because i wanna save my 40th picture on newgournds on something special and My 20th video shall be Quoll alone Twogether.

Speaking of that, We have completed all the Models and like i said, We´re Just missing Voce recordings for Doily and Dallas before we Start animateing, also we have completed the two episodes for DragoGen.

Hopefully it won´t be too long before we Can start animateing for Quoll alone Twogether as i plan to check on Itoruna Next week on Friday, After Quoll alone is done, i´ll be looking for Vocie actors to DragoGen,



Posted by Yokomation - January 17th, 2020

the Models for Mugget, Susan, Jellybean and Uwongo are Complet,

Meaning we´re only missing the kraytBears in trems of modeling



As far as Vocie acting gose, We´re Only missing Those of Dallas and Doily,

With the voice work already done for Susan, Nat, Kitube and Uwongo,

im hopeing i can soon get Started on animateing for Quoll alone Twogether as it´s gonna be our 20th video for newgorunds and so, Should be something everyone would Look forward too, especially After how Blender has updated itself and improved on Many levels, thus Allowing use to feature fur and realstic subsurface scattering.


  • We´re planning to make DragoGen an animated series in lines of the the mandalorian or the New the dark crystal age of resistance, Not too many Episodes but Movie like quality and i´d most likely do some Writting after going for a walk outside and Sarfina is planned to be a DragoGen character,
  • We found out via Scruffy´s video an awsome way to do fur on models via Texture maps and plan to use it form here on now, Starting with the kraytBears


Posted by Yokomation - January 2nd, 2020

That´s Right, we´re done with the script for Quoll alone Together,

That means we´re Just missing to do modeling,

Vocie recording and we can get Started on animateing Quoll alone Together,


Also worth noteing, we´ll most likely get a Model sheet for Susan W,Disney ready and we´ll be looking for a Vocie actor for her soon, however if you think you got the role, let me know via message or DM me via twitter OK.

Plans for tomorrow will inculde getting lines ready, completing Susan´s Model sheet and hopefully Start modeling her
