Akio´s So far is now Done, ready for been able to Blink, getting her Shape keys done and finally a Custom UI for the Rig,
before doing that i´ll get Alex and Conner´s Multires done as well as thier Textures and basic rigging and weight pianting too, it´s alot BUT! last time i did the Rigging UI thing in Blender on Yoko Ruby i don´t think it went so well so i think it´s better to get this done before i Get Akio´s Model done fully.

with the first month of 2025 almost over im happy to say i have gotten Pretty Far, getting Alex and Conner done right away before doing Akio´s Rigging was not a half bad idea looking at it and the Prepwork has paid off well.
went a bit fast when doing Akio´s rigging and i still got no Clue how i did it, well Kinda, i did Paranet a few bones here and there and use a few Vis bones and stuff OH YEAH and i made some FK and IK switch´s for her legs too.
i think i will get more used to Rigging the more i do it, but for now it´s really just the video courses i gotta fellow to be extra safe.
anyways starting on Alex Johanna´s Multires Sculpting tomorrow, i might Bakeo ut her Skin, Teeth, Nails and Tounge Just before doing her clothing, divide and conquer is Always a good mindset if you think there is alot to do because than there isn´t so much to do all of a shudden and you can have your cake and eat it too.
Other things to keep in mind, Well Sketeched out Maisie, got Allosaurus Eyes ready for drawing that later and a few models have been blocked out, also i do miss Doily, Nat, Kitube, Skittles and Grumpy, i Also wish i had a Model of Willa Brown and Hercy to Animate to kill off sometime BUT! i Think those gotta wait a bit when
above the List of models for Fun is Written in red
CAN´T DO THESE MODELS YET 0/19 and with all this new stuff comming up and also for the sake of been consistent, yeah best to wait with those.

so yeah more updates to come when they come.