Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago


gonna Draw with Kirta form now on.

i Still think i gotta figure out this Software

so right now(tho after posting this im getting it ready tho) the Allosaurus eye is now the Lythonax eyes but, the more i figure it out, the better i´ll get and right now im unsure if i should Keep Maisie and Terry, i cut and added them i was writting this.



Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago


Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago


Akio´s So far is now Done, ready for been able to Blink, getting her Shape keys done and finally a Custom UI for the Rig,

before doing that i´ll get Alex and Conner´s Multires done as well as thier Textures and basic rigging and weight pianting too, it´s alot BUT! last time i did the Rigging UI thing in Blender on Yoko Ruby i don´t think it went so well so i think it´s better to get this done before i Get Akio´s Model done fully.


with the first month of 2025 almost over im happy to say i have gotten Pretty Far, getting Alex and Conner done right away before doing Akio´s Rigging was not a half bad idea looking at it and the Prepwork has paid off well.

went a bit fast when doing Akio´s rigging and i still got no Clue how i did it, well Kinda, i did Paranet a few bones here and there and use a few Vis bones and stuff OH YEAH and i made some FK and IK switch´s for her legs too.

i think i will get more used to Rigging the more i do it, but for now it´s really just the video courses i gotta fellow to be extra safe.

anyways starting on Alex Johanna´s Multires Sculpting tomorrow, i might Bakeo ut her Skin, Teeth, Nails and Tounge Just before doing her clothing, divide and conquer is Always a good mindset if you think there is alot to do because than there isn´t so much to do all of a shudden and you can have your cake and eat it too.

Other things to keep in mind, Well Sketeched out Maisie, got Allosaurus Eyes ready for drawing that later and a few models have been blocked out, also i do miss Doily, Nat, Kitube, Skittles and Grumpy, i Also wish i had a Model of Willa Brown and Hercy to Animate to kill off sometime BUT! i Think those gotta wait a bit when

above the List of models for Fun is Written in red

CAN´T DO THESE MODELS YET 0/19 and with all this new stuff comming up and also for the sake of been consistent, yeah best to wait with those.


so yeah more updates to come when they come.


Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago

THAT took some time didn´t it?


this is why i wanna get Alex and Conner´s three Steps ahead right now

BEFORE get Akio done, but like how i have become better at Sculpting, i wouldn´t be surpised if this sort of rigging will also not take long once i have done it a few more times, but for now i think it´s best if i do this slowly,

FK Arms will be done tomorrow, today tho just the Tweaker bones,

After Akio´s Arms are all set up can i begin on the on Maisie´s Model sheet, just her sketechlines for today and than i´ll begin to blockout the upcomming 3D Models, Stego, Dippy, Little Dippy and Romaleo.


Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago

for some fucking Reason Gimp dose this shit

IM NOT FUCKING JOKEING HERE! i was trying to Get Naoko and Makoto´s Model sheets Ready but It won´t be Helpful today and fuck around instead,

this is a Pretty Big bummer for me.

of course i have gotten them ready and all with a Base skeleton, however, if im unable to Drag and drop layers in GIMP and the only solution is some kind of nvidia settings, well im starting to wonder if it is time to Switch software or not.



Posted by Yokomation - 2 weeks ago



im still sticking to the whole divide and conquer thing so nothing too Extreme for now.

anyways here are what im going to do for now atleast, might change the plans should i have changed my mind on things

  • I will get Akio´s Complex Rigging and layout done first, Than before the last step of Akio´s model, i´ll get Alex and Conner´s Multires, Textureing and Basic rigging done, agian to save time.
  • because of the time i saved on doing Alex and Conner here, i might spend the time on Say Sculpting Leo, Blockout the sauropod models and also prepareing a few more dinosaur models
  • i´ll also get Maisie and Terry done at long last and maybe also thier eyes too alongside those of the Allosaurus, in edition i could also get an Animatic done for Yoko Ruby doing her Leap over a building and also maybe FINALLY think about Doing Storyboarding work on Jurassica Safari Park
  • and once an animatic is done i can, OH once i Get far enough with all my models i can look for VA´s for Maisie and Terry, YES!
  • and once i do have enough models (Preferably the first 10 models and few more) THAN i can make a teaser for Jurassica and than get an animatic into works after Sculpting the last 9 models left are done, or atleast most of those are

alright than so, let´s get started on the day shall we? First month of the year is almost over and Progess is looking good, i have been Procrastenateing a bit but hopefully i can get over it. and really why should i do that? it´s a dinosaur Project im working on, who don´t Love dinosaurs?


Posted by Yokomation - 3 weeks ago


got Akio´s Face rigging done today and right now im just missing rigging her arms and legs.

got Alex setup and ready to see where i wanna go, after Getting the face done quickly im kinda unsure if i should or not do Alex and Conner or get as far as i plan to, if at most i might just get the Multires Sculpting done for them as well as bake these models too, giveing final thought tomorrow but so far it´s

A - it´s the 25th and i might waste time doing Alex and Conner´s Multires, textureing and Basic rigging when Akio is almost done


B - It´s a Waste of Time to get Akio done BEFORE i get Alex and Conner Done and would save more time later before working on Leo the lythonax

it´s sort of that, this or that.


anyways haveing written down the lines for storyboards to a Quoll alone, i thought it would get Doily ready. this will be a reuseable model, actually made a Folder for these sorts of models, it´s mostly because i got alot of good idea´s for things like Quoll Alone or DragoGen so, lead role´s wouldn´t be a bad idea to have, even if the real model´s are not there(still a long way before i do that) i think it is good to have them ready and i got a feeling when i DO get to those they´ll look better than ever.



Posted by Yokomation - 3 weeks ago


OK, so with Jurassica Safari Park been such a big project, switching Gears Even early on might be a good idea tho, shouldn´t do it TOO MUCH!

That Said i have gotten Akio´s Rigging atleast the very complex parts of her done pretty good, her Basic body rigging is where i think it should be at and now just missing her Face, jaw, tounge, arms and Legs, before going to work on The Limbs tho i might actually consider to Get Multires Sculpting, Textureing and maybe even the basic rigging and weight pianting done on Alex Johanna and Conner Sully´s models, agian mostly to save some time but yeah, that´s just me right now and i´ll get Akio´s Face rigging done right now and than we´ll see where i got from there,

Akio´s almost done and if i do get what i wanna get done on Alex and Conner i´d be 5/7 ways thier on thier models.

so, best to plan ahead, im i right?


Posted by Yokomation - 3 weeks ago

so far so good, even got the fellow rotations done,

Part of me do kinda wanna Save some time agian and Get Yoko Ruby´s Sculpting, Retopo and maybe even Multires done? IDK let´s see how long it takes me getting Akio here done and if like with the Multires stage, im getting WGT Bone shapes Ready so, might, only Reason this time been Yoko Ruby is... Well she´s my mascot and 2nd i kinda think it would be a good idea as i got a Storyboard ready with her in and alot of other things (include NSFW stuff yeah)


anyways i think the reason it´s Going as is today is because it´s been a long time i last actually got this far and so, gotta relearn alot.


Posted by Yokomation - 1 month ago


OK, he is Ready for later

i might give this sort of thing a go for a few other models, this will save alot of time and it was alot of fun to do, Hard but also fun, guess it´s Because of the whole "Switch to another thing" Thing but Hey it sharpens my skills and doing Conner Sully here and i think i might wanna give a better focus on my models for the Retopo, was a bit rushed but not too much.

Likewise i can see myself doing this from time to time as i work on Jurassica Safari Park, given the amount of models for it and when i Run dry of The models for THIS Project welp i might give some other critters some love, Willa Brown and Hercy are still in need of new models and Doily, Nat and Kitube need some love too amongest alot more.

anyways storyboards need to be done for my little test/Training thing. Tomororw it´s Over to Akio the T-Rex´s Rigging,

if im going to be more Active with the 3D Models, why not also do a few Animations too, always good to have a dinosaur model around, same for any 3D Model really tho, gotta for now keep to my divide and conquer plans and not go too insane JUST YET! still got 19 models to do and i want relax and have fun all the way as well as get used to my insane workflow plans... well insane for now but with time it won´t be so bad.
