YEAH, some part of me was starting to think maybe I once agian, BIT OFF more than i can chew and Right now doing Alex johanna just as soon as Akio´s almost done was a bit much, should had stuck to my old plans with getting her Multires and textureing done as soon as Akio was fully done... OH WELL There´s that, hopefully next time i´ll do jurassica i´ll keep that in mind, i have learned some good things,

i have figured out it´s better to Paint in some details like the Texture of Nails onto my models, as well as that
the old ways of Pianting scales onto a model work just as fine in a world where i´d prefer to sculpt them as much as it did when i just rush pianted scales all over the body

in edition i Got Pretty Far and tho not Completed the models, i think i gotta still be Proud about how far i have gotten so with Akio and Alex as well as with Conner, able Pull off ALOT more than i thought i was able to, like Retopo the models of Alex and Conner just before doing Akio´s Complex rigging and everything.
what´s in Store for Willa Brown and Hercy?
Well so far no clear plans but i do Hope to make a Project that can Act like a real Pilot episode for DragoGen, nothing too major but something like what Rabbit for Dinner was for Doodle toons (i One of those Pre-hazbin hotel indie animators so that´s mostly why i compare it to that)
thought over what might be a good plot for this pilot tho ONE THING has standed out,
i Want it to feature and also be focused on a Wyvern.
not a Pokaui but some of the other wyverns i got a Prototype for lying around.
the snipes or even the Harpy dragon here tho, that one is mostly so i can show a wyveling, got kinda inspired by jurassic world rebirth´s trailer with the Pterosaur nest scene.

SOOO YEAH, that´s the End of this Jurassica Take but, i do want to keep the Script around so i can return to it when i feel alot better and have improved my modeling skills and Prefected the workflow.