missing 7 more Sculpts and i can see WHAT i´d Like to Work on.
got a bunch of good Loglines right now, now sure how many tho After This project is done i´ll likely get Jurassica Safari Park done, not only because, Well about time but this is Kinda giveing me a Boost i need, YES This Whole Godzilla thing really is Giveing me the Boost i Needed all this time NGL and i LOVE IT! im planning to Sculpt all the models (on a list i got right now) then Get the Retopo, multires Sculpt Textures done for all of them before i move onto the Rigging for all of these models, might Also give some other OC´s a Shot too We´ll See, Yoko Ruby needs a new model the Old one wasn´t working so Deleted it and Yeah i was planning to make a new model of her now.
Speaking of Godzilla,
BEHOLD! here is Godzilla´s Sculpt, Gonna look 10 BILLION TIMES BETTER once he is Fully Retopogize and Textured.
Tomorrow tho it´s over To Baragon´s Sculpt.