our mascot for the channel intro´s is almost there, getting her done tomorrow and than we can begin on the 3D model of her, got a feeling you might like her and she´ll be in the opening of my video´s with a fresh new animation most of the time.
Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds
Age 26, Male
Vipperødgårds Alle 24
Joined on 6/22/17
Posted by Yokomation - July 13th, 2023
our mascot for the channel intro´s is almost there, getting her done tomorrow and than we can begin on the 3D model of her, got a feeling you might like her and she´ll be in the opening of my video´s with a fresh new animation most of the time.
Posted by Yokomation - July 12th, 2023
Got them done
comming up, Her, Yoko Ruby is the first Human OC i´ll have all these new things for, while she´ll always be at the start of my video´s at the logo, she´ll be fun to work on,
Posted by Yokomation - July 9th, 2023
got Rego done, next up the beavarphant, gonna share the new guys here via a Size chart, no joke
so we can see them in full glory as well as a good idea how big these things are.
we begin... tomorrow Early, after a nice walk
Posted by Yokomation - July 8th, 2023
almost done with Regosuchus
than it´s Over to the other four, with Yoko Ruby for last
THAN it´s Time to do the modeling or models, than the storyboard animations, than final bit of animations(Starting off with a Ref animation for a scene than we can begin on the real animation) and than we got a good video, i got a feeling this might be a good golden age for me comming up with animation for sure.
Posted by Yokomation - July 6th, 2023
feel like the last few days have honestly been kinda hard for, the Death of Twitter Was something i DID NOT SEE,
like Elon put that 300/600 post limts thingy but, i can a sure you, it was something at did get me off the site for good,
like sure it´s not completely dead but, yeah i Have logged off my twitter via on the Laptop, i deleted it on my IPad and im waiting a commission to be done before i do the same on my phone, so from here on now than?
welp i think i wanna get back to YouTube, as well as useing tumblr, intragram and Newgrounds too, and Facebook too, useful for WIP´s NGL,
as well as that tomorrow i´ll get to Work on Future Wildlife ep1 and you know back to makeing animation now,
planning to make a new mascot for my channel too, likely a tomboy gal for the start of my video´s
got a feeling it won´t be Easy finding VA´s as it was on Twitter but, hey i´ll do my best,
also if what i had to see wasn´t enough to make people Quit twitter, i got a feeling things might be worse ahead, just hopeing my friends there will be easy to find too, RIGHT THAN! so let us get started, getting the mulk Sketechlines done than we can begin on the baselines and also get Regosuchus done.
Posted by Yokomation - July 5th, 2023
Nat´s Lookin good tho,
a part of me thought i would use more Dyantopo and i was also slogging a bit i think, not to blame, not only did i start these models after working on models of Willa Brown, Hercy and Mizu and nemo who ended up been too High poly, but also let´s not Forget Twitter fucking died a bit so, i got a feeling im still adpating and i wouldn´t be surpised by the end of this week i´ll jump RIGHT into my new ambitious project (YouTube Poll in works there) also currently working on fleshing out Future wildlife´s Website.
Posted by Yokomation - July 4th, 2023
YEP, got her done, now it´s over to Nat the Quoll tomorrow of course
Posted by Yokomation - July 2nd, 2023
WELP im no longer locked on twitter... but i got a feeling the real reason as to why tho was because elon did something fucking shit here, he might have fucking mudered the website known as Twitter... birdie´s dead now guys, so i got a feeling we´ll have to move on now for real
now it´s time for Doily´s Hair guys, than to her body and limbs.
and as a way to move from twitter to the new sites, here are my goals for today:'
Posted by Yokomation - July 1st, 2023
got locked on Twitter, not my problem, i´ll give that site a break, i think i have over used it already
i think i wanna get my models done now than, feel like that below did kill off my motivation a bit for Future wildlife or any really ambitious ideas i got.
SO with this post twitter world for now
i think i wanna let my ambition go into somewhere else, getting my models done, deleted my mulk Model sheet i was working on and i might put future wildlife on a hold for now.
Posted by Yokomation - June 24th, 2023
OK, after a bit of back and forwards, i thought it might be better if i do some shorts and get our models done,
starting off with Hanna and Tyrancus, hopeing we can save this year for me, after these two are done will i get Doily, Nat, Kitube and Skittles done, fellowed by Willa Brown and Hercy. than Dallas and grumpy and than we can move onto spin the bottle