Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - September 6th, 2023


tomorrow it´s time to get the storyboard animation done


this BIG BIG THING i have been working on for so long, it´s going to be all worth it.

also iu_1070073_6434868.webp




got them ready guys.


Posted by Yokomation - September 5th, 2023


requirements are as fellow

  • Gotta be able to send them via discord or share it via google docs
  • gotta pay with PayPal
  • one who will be more then happy to do a few more takes alongside it as well as maybe be ready for another project in the future.

the Reason im currently asking this is because i thought about getting this that ready for eggsnatcher because im considering get that storyboard animation done alongside Spin the bottle´s Storyboard Animation too.

in case you wanna know how she sounds here ya go

im still currently working on Jurassica Safari Park: Just "another" Day, but i feel like planning ahead is a good idea,

also thought about Giveing Willa Brown a new Desigin model sheet, while cool i still think i might need a new one as Yoko Ruby´s new desigin went pretty well and i thought getting her a new model sheet might be a good idea, this one is getting old.


anyways hopeing to see you soon



Posted by Yokomation - September 5th, 2023


Got Alex Johanna done yesterday

now time for Conner Sully, his head is now done and tomorrow it´s over to his body, and maybe also his hands too?

we´ll see about that.



Posted by Yokomation - September 2nd, 2023


almost done with Alex Johanna here, just missing her hands, clothing and boots, as well as a gun tho, i might save that for the Retopo stage also

say hello to Rhomaleosaurus


a short scene yes but more is planned for the future once the final fight is done,

while it might be a bit overkill, haveing a marine animal here when i have learned how to do water Ripples i think is kinda fitting NGL.


Posted by Yokomation - September 1st, 2023


going storng out to begin with, doing a bit more Stylized workflow with Alex and Conner Sully´s models here just to try it out here, went pretty well with the head, now i still wanna add in the Mucles like i did before tho.

keeping it stylized but just real enough make snese for our dinosaur models.

also might feature a marine reptilie in Jurassica Safari park: Just "Another" Day


Posted by Yokomation - August 31st, 2023

Almost done with the Storyboard animations

just need the ending and we´re good to go


got a little breadcrum for our amazing ending to jurassica Just "Another" Day here,

tomorrow we´ll begin sculpting Alex Johanna´s model here,

as fun as it is to do these Storyboard animations, i also got REAL models to do and at a good time too so,

Getting Alex Johanna´s Sculpt done, then Conner Sully´s Sculpt done,

alongside the caudipteryx model sheet and just like with future Wildlife´s models at a good time too, but also make sure these models are FLAWLESS!

than once that´s done can i finally begin on the final bits of jurassica Safari Park´s Storyboard animation, i feel doing the sculpts now is a good idea, especially for Alex Johanna and Conner Sully and they are wearing clothing and all.


also I think i got a good idea what i wanna do and when to.

i think i´ll make it a Google Doc once we got our Storyboard Animation done.

speaking of that, putting this together has been A MONSTER but, i didn´t Feel Bad at all, well maybe a bit fearful for the coffee shop scene but, that was mostly because i stopped there last time as this is a PRETTY DAMN HUGE VIDEO


however After doing this storyboard animation, i don´t Feel so Scared right now about the whole thing now i know i can cherry Pick where i start to animate because of me useing multiple timelines for this project, im also like i said gonna split it up, planning to make a front page post once im done with the storyboard Animations for good so i can give a full on feelins about this whole thing, as of course it´s not done yet, only at the halfway mark i think,

it´s been SUPER FUN and i can´t wait to do these sorts of storyboard models in the future with all my projects too.

with Spin the bottle been comming after this one and then Eggsantcher from DragoGen,


Posted by Yokomation - August 30th, 2023


gotta say, the storyboard animations are proveing thier Usefullness now,

I have already Planned out what i wanna do first and when to do it and might reslut this project been done faster then you might think i´ll get it done and i thought i would myself tho i can´t be sure about that untill we got Alex and Conner Sully done, like thier sculpts,

once we got our first bunch of models done can i start to animate and get the rest of my models done.


Posted by Yokomation - August 29th, 2023


almost done with the first bits, then once we got that done, is it finally time to get Alex and Conner´s Real Sculpts done in a good time with a good look of course THEN we can complete the last bits of the storyboard animation and then we´re good to go and can focus on our models and the final bits of Animation,

it´s been GREAT amounts of fun today NGL, animateing these have been like playing with Toys and i can´t wait for when i do get real models ready, like with the Tyrannosaurus-Rex and kosmocreatops

speaking of Rex,

Tomorrow Alex might pull off one of the most dangerous stunts in the world



Posted by Yokomation - August 28th, 2023


this Project´s already 10 mintues and 90 seconds long THANK FUCKING GOD! i Set our A Good Plan for myself,

now then, here´s a list of scenes (segmeants really) to do for me and when i can do them

Scenes i can do after the current four models im working on a done(Alex, Conner, T.Rex and Stego)

  • Lockerroom scene
  • Coffee shop scene
  • Alex and the T-Rex Scene

Scenes i can do after the next bunch of models are done(lythonax, Galli, Kosmocreatops and Nastuocreatops)

  • Creatopsian fight (2/2)
  • Alex and Conner Sully Walking to work
  • the Ending
  • Newgrounds Intro

Scenes i can do once ALL the models are done(Yoko Ruby, caudipteryx, Dryosaurus and saurolophus)

  • Creatopsian fight (1/2)
  • lythonax vs stegosaurus fight(Unless i wanna do it with out the dryosaurus and saurolophus)
  • First Lythonax scene
  • First Stegosaurus scene
  • Yoko Ruby opening titles

RIGHT THEN, i might update this list as time gose by but, just know i´ll stick to this list for now.


Posted by Yokomation - August 28th, 2023

everything is now set and ready for tomorrow´s animation

gonna be fun


and also, i think i got a good idea WHAT i wanna animate first and last, the first three bits of Animation that´ll be done fully are as fellow:

  • Lockerroom scene
  • Coffee Shop
  • Alex and the T-Rex

as to when tho, i think i´ll get the Lockerroom secene done first then after haveing Blocked out and sculpted the next four bunch of Dinosaurs is when i do the Coffee shop bit,

THEN after completeling our next four dinosaur models is it onto the Tyrannosaurus-Rex bit as well as haveing blocked out Yoko Ruby, Saurlopus, Dryosaurus and caudipteryx is it finally time to get our ending bit done as well as an ending montage for the end credits done too.

alongside of course

  • the part where Alex and Conner Suly talk about thier jobs are jurassica

fellowed by OF COURSE

getting our last bunch of models done and then it´s onto the final bits

  • the Creatopsian fight
  • NG and Yokomation studios intro
  • Lythonax is out
  • final fight between lythonax and Stegosaurus

THEN once Every one of these bits are done can i finally put it all together into one LONG video, like i did with where is skittles BUT! in a much MUCH better way i think and one where i don´t Think i´ll ever overwork myself if i do plan it right.

im planning to get scenes done as i get models done i think as i feel like it´s a great first run for these Models as well as maybe also a great way to handel a 10 min video for me, by splitting up the work like this, i think i can get it done in a good amount of time, happy i found out about how to use multiple timelines in reslover for this.

wish me good luck everyone on this one here.
