Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - March 26th, 2023


the main trio is now done guys

now missing Three more models and we can begin animateing, how Awesome is that guys :D

the Fact i got them done all on the Same day is honestly really REALLY FUCKING COOL NGL


Ok some thoughts to this here,

i thought i would never had thought this insane of idea of makeing three models at ONCE would never make it across the line but, HERE WE FUCKING ARE! Nat, Doily and Kitube, lookin better than ever and for real, i will likely also do it wiht Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles Too, i honestly don´t care how long it took it feels Amazing to have these guys 100% done right now on the same day, so i´ll likely get the Raion Kuma done alongside Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles too,

but for now i´ll take a break, and before you ask no it didn´t feel too Stressful and was honestly feeling Good like i didn´t have that Same worrying feeling i normal had when working on 1 model, anyways i have eanred this break for now. gonna be Great getting Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles Done and than begin animateing. hell yeah


Posted by Yokomation - March 25th, 2023

they are just missing a bit of Shape key work and action animations and we´re good to go and can begin on Dallas Mary Sue, Grumpy and Skittles,




also got the bone layers addon for Blender today and i feel like a Rig UI would had been much needed back when i did Quoll Alone where is the Background´s remake.


i might give the Raion Kuma the Axe tho and wait for it to be made in the future but, i´ll see by Tomorrow tho, it might be alot but, on the other hand it´s also to have few more models ready for everything else in the future plus, i did say i would wanna get better at Blender 3D, with Willa Brown and Hercy comming up, im unsure if this Raion kuma model is a good idea to work on now or safe it for later tho, i got a Script for it ready so, let´s See where i go,

like i said, wanna give it untill tomorrow after the main trio is done, if i get them done tomorrow tho i feel like if i focus on it 100% as much as i can, i think we can get it done, just gotta make sure i have fun.

Posted by Yokomation - March 24th, 2023


here´s the New Rapturak than, now about a new poll

After Spin the Bottle. i´ll likely get to work on Willa Brown and Hercy and everything here, more info as to my plans on the poll


now than, time for cuddles


Posted by Yokomation - March 23rd, 2023

Kitube is now done, missing Cuddles and it´s time for the shape keys, actions and pose´s

than we can get Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles done alongside the Raion Kuma too,

Cuddles for tomorrow guys than, we got a Rapturak to get done today, as well as maybe the biggest freaking poll of them all this year.



Posted by Yokomation - March 21st, 2023


Complex Rigging is almost done for Kitube, just missing his Limbs

and outlaying these limbs than we can get Cuddle´s complex rigging and THAN begin

the final details like pose´s, actions and shape keys and THAN it´s time for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles

alongside the Raion Kuma thanks to a twitter poll i did


i got a feeling there might be a 2nd poll comming up once we got the first four models done.


Posted by Yokomation - March 19th, 2023



Missing Kitube and Cuddle´s Complex rigging and we´re Good to go onto the Shape keys, pose, actions and even a few walk cycle animations for later useage maybe, don´t Conut on me useing them tho or even doing them.

Posted by Yokomation - March 14th, 2023

got her done guys

HOLY FUCK! anyways onto Nat the Quoll´s Complex Rigging than, i would not Lie when i say i wanna get Dallas Mary Sue´s Sculpting done right now tho,

so i might get that done later i just need a little break tho than we´ll see what i do.


anyways i´d like to say This Rig of Doily´s Got some new Features

these Features are the Mouth been able to be Closed or look like she can Chew and most revolutionary thing but one that did need a bit of post fixing, a fingers IK/FK Switch for both her IK and FK arms, these two things, alot of hard work for sure will be on Dallas, Willa Brown, and Mizu alongside every other other two legged humaniod model and maybe even a few critters who don´t Look Like People at All like Nat


it was AN INSANE ALOT OF HARD WORK but i think it was worth it, felt like forever and yet felt it was Going by Pretty Shortly, Now tha, with one model´s Complex Rigging done, we´re on to 3 more and than we will get the action stuff and all of that done, but first i might wanna give her some layers than we can call her done for today,

gonna make this SOO MUCH EAISER When i do her cleaning once her animation is done as well as getting her

animation Easier done too.


Posted by Yokomation - March 12th, 2023


HELL YEAH! soon onto Nat and Kitube´s Complex rigging alongside Cuddle´s too,

Than it´s Time for Dallas, Grumpy, Skittles and

alos as it of a surpise but ture none the less and awesome if pulled off

Willa Brown








i did a Poll and they did say i shouldn´t do 7 models at once but,

an artwork of Mizu and Nemo made me change my mind so, yeah Mizu and Nemo on thier way alongside Willa Brown and Hercy tooo.


Posted by Yokomation - March 10th, 2023





now it´s time for the more complex Stuff, like IK,FK switchs and action stuff, Tomorrow we´ll begin on Doily´s Rigging agian and do it all over, so today it´s Time for getting the Basic Refs ready for Willa Brown AND Hercy too, like the basics for thier 3D Models, than i can take the Rest of the Day off.


Posted by Yokomation - March 5th, 2023


Ready for weight painting tomorrow,

Also i might add Get Willa Brown and Hercy done alongside Dallas, Skittles and Grumpy,

reason been i wanna get better at Blender, that is also why im doing the Main trio first together,

Made a Twitter Poll on the Topic and it was because i finally got myself back agian, im ready and motivated to do what i love the most, with Cuddles been a 4th Model and did end up looking pretty good, i think Doing Hercy and Willa Brown and have them ready might be a good idea as i think Eggsnatcher migh be a good next Project after spin the bottle.

so, haveing them Ready isn´t a bad idea i think, let me know what you think i got untill Doily, Nat, Cuddles and Kitube are done, wish me good luck.