Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - March 4th, 2023


now To Nat the Quoll, This took forever yet also was over quickly,

still made me think and to save a bit of time, went ahead and prepared Kitube and Cuddles too,

Getting to Work on Nat on Monday, it is hard but it´s Pretty fun NGL doing them all.

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i think after all this hard work on Doily´s rig made me think it might be a good idea to get the Plevis Def Bone and Root bone ready on all the models if i do work on more than one model,

so yeah anyways a well earned break and than i get to work on Nat the Quoll on Monday like i said.


Posted by Yokomation - February 25th, 2023


now just missing some fur and Hair and than we can Blockout Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles and THAN we´re onto the Rigging foro the Main Gang,

Posted by Yokomation - February 23rd, 2023


Now just missing Kitube´s Textureing and we´re done


But first i wanna get my Platformer Game Project Sally Rockstargal a new look, so wanna get Her done and get Kitube done Tomorrow,


After Kitube´s Textureing is done and we have done the fur and Hair,

than i´ll likely Begin on the Blockout for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles before we start rigging the Trio,

anyways Getting Sally Done right after my break,

also The idea about Sally Rockstargal´s Game is for me to use Clickteam fusion to make the Game as i think it might be the best way to get the Prerendered Graphics i wanna see however, i´ll likely not work on the game project, atleast now yet, I might spend a little Time after Spin the Bottle to get Models Ready, those Models been More improten OC´s Sally, The Beast, Willa Brown, Hercy Leotyrannus you name it, the one or more models workflow thingy from this Quoll Alone projects had made me think i can do a modelthon very VERY well, not done one and the last few ones fell down too quickly but, let´s see if this one might work.

anyways Vocie acting for Spin the bottle is now done like all of it, so i got a feeling this might save alot of time in the future.


Posted by Yokomation - February 20th, 2023

alright than, Doily is almost done with her Textureing, just missing her Metal bits, Socks, shoes, Teeth and tounge,

alot of Taril and error but i think im getting better at this Bakeing thing



also Got Grumpy, Dallas and Skittles Ready for Blockout once we have done the Fur and hair grooming on Doily, Nat and Kitube, that might be a little ahead in the Future but hey, it´s All Worth it and if Grumpy Won´t be Takeing too long, i might get a future wildlife Monster done after Cuddles the Chicken is done, like set it ready(like i kinda wanna Have a Shrewzilla Model ready always wanted seening it in 3D even for a little short test animation but most likely i´ll also get Willa Brown ready, unsure what to do afterwards tho i do feel like i wanna prepare models with this whole work on more than one model at time thing is working Better so far than i thought it would)




Posted by Yokomation - February 18th, 2023




NOW just missing textureing, grooming and Rigging and our main trio is done, this was the longest bit of this whole three models thing but was worth it NGL, also gonna get the Blockout done for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles after Hair and fur is done and before the Rigging.

Posted by Yokomation - February 11th, 2023


YEP looking good on the Quoll than,

missing his Teeth, his gums, his ears and his tounge, but i´ll be saveing all of that together with his limbs too tomorroe as well as claws, if there´s one part of this whole Three models at the same time thing that takes the longest it´s likely the Retopo BUT i´ts all worth it, got a feeling with Grumpy, Skittles and Dallas it might go faster if planned right.


Posted by Yokomation - February 10th, 2023


got Doily´s Retopo done

Got Nat Ready for Tomorrow


Posted by Yokomation - February 5th, 2023

SO! got them all done in sculpted formart,

i think i wanna wait untill tomorrow before i get going on the Retopo Side of things, first of tho wanna get Doily Ready for it as i´ll start there, as such i´ll get the Retopo Refs for Nat and Kitube ready once that same is done for Doily, on a side note i might aslo like, maybe just before i start rigging Doily, Nat and Kitube here, i might Blockout for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles too, also almost ready, just missing Nat´s lines as well as few for dallas plus something to make some fun at the Whole Animation is for kids thing,

so yeah, done with our sculpting, hurray yay now missing the Retopo, Textureing and everything eles too,

can´t wait to get it done, gonna also get thier eyes done once Retopo is done too.


if i´d say, this challange has proved to me i can do 3 Models at a time, atleast sculptingwise and i wanna improve here too, can´t wait to get the Retopo and everything eles done with our models and i can see myself doing this sort of thing in the future.



Posted by Yokomation - February 2nd, 2023

SO with Doily now been Done, i have started working on Nat the Quoll,

got his head done but, i´ll get Nat´s Teeth and Gums done tomorrow.

when i get Nat and Kitube done at some piont next week likely, i´ll begin Retopo on Doily and give myself a good little reward, likely some KFC and Donuts From Dunkin´s too, something wasn´t Used to it but that´s why im getting his gums done tomorrow alongside his teeth too.

anyways half way done, let´s See if we can get this mission done.



wish me good luck guys



Posted by Yokomation - January 31st, 2023


YEP, clothing on her tomorrow than we can start on Nat, than we can get Kitube done next.

than and haveing thought over it, i might Get Retopo, Textureing and rigging Done on Them all three and than get the same Process done for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles, mostly to save time, might be a good idea.