it is finally time for Willa Brown and Hercy to Return,
after makeing a CRAP TON OF SCRIPTS for small Projects and a poll on twitter, we can begin on desigins, modeling and all
Work list or as i call this google doc´s file now,
video schedule
i learned from Jurassica that one shouldn´t just go and work on a 10 min long project with new software and new animation skills without doing some smaller things first,
in otherwords, you can´t Run before you have learned to walk,
also manticore in works for one of the projects getting him done tomorrow.
it´s more of a manticore for DragoGen as i use the Trem for more mammalian Dragons who ain´t inspired by Eastern dragons
quick side note:
i might make another script tomorrow but, honestly i might just chill off a bit untill i feel ready for it, you know maybe working on a model who knows, depends on how fast the votes come in and i have been trying to speed them up and via twitter... hasn´t gone so well
final thing
Raion Kuma redesigin plans
been working on ALOT of Scripts lately for Future wildlife, one Quoll Alone one and Two DragoGen scripts, first one done and another one is Planned to begin writting tomorrow Staring Mizu the mermaid.
i wanna Say i have Gotten a new Workflow to handel this project as a Way to not only Improve the Scenes, get along WITHOUT A Storyboard animation stage and also have more Fun,
that´d Be i first play around with the models a bit, this is also way the 4th bit of animation might first be done tomorrow funny enough but, i hope the animation Process will pickup speed with this.
it did for the First bit the NG intro and i might do the blockout for this scene later today, saveing the final bits for tomorrow.
final Part of the Journey of Jurassica´s First Project...
been a long Road and i never Thought i would Even get THIS FAR!
but holy crap, here we are, wish me the best of luck, going to Read the Script agian tomorrow but,
the ending might be changed, It´s Going to be insane and it already it i got THIS FAR on this project, happy i did reach this far tho, this is my Big project (Like the eggs or How to keep a Dragon) of 2022,
Im hopeing this turns out the best i can get it to be.
going to get rigging done and then get models REady for useage in Blender 3.2,
Jurassica Was Orignally Planned for 3.0 infact, it was meant as the last project for that but,
After Today and other things too, we might change that as, my mother and father did Catch Covid and i might have gotten it, IDK felt Very VERY awful waking up today but feeling better now after Two cups of Tea
Also worth noteing, THIS video might get a Fellow up, Reason been i got inspired by G.Lo from villainous to create a Jello super hero OC, yeah a Script got made and i DO plan to make a VHS video to Hype that Up as soon as the nasutoceratops model is done,
Look forward to everything, Jello-Gal, Jurassica Safari Park, Bombs on busses because Rockstar freddy wants five coins, yeah,
i think it´s Worth noteing the nasutoceratops will be last made in Blender 3.0 and if i feel like it, i might do JelloGal as our first model in that software.
so in a nutshell my plan is this then
Getting nasutoceratops
Get JelloGal done(Model Sheet to Model)
make that FNAF fellowup Video
Start to animate Jurassica Safari Park
im planning it like that as i felt the way i did and i don´t Wanna get into another Hell like Eariler this year ya know(Turst me you DON´T WANNA KNOW HOW BAD THAT WAS)