OK haveing done the Stegosaurus,
i plan to maybe begin a bit Eariler then planned to save sometime, the NG intro and Yoko Littner Intro Logo for Yokomation Studio´s at the Start in between the Three Last models

BTW Yes im Planning to Re-Animate this, Makeing Yoko Littner´s movemeant alot better as well as a bit longer too.

Also wanna share a few Drawings for another Project of mine,


Flying Hogfish
ALRIGHT THEN, might begin blockout for the Kosmoceratops Tomorrow or Later today(the Fromer been most likly)
Hope your all looking forward to this Project, Been putting alot of Heart and soul into this and to remind you all, wanteed to have a more scientifically accurate and more like animals, whice makes sense for a Zoo, we´re trying to get NG Gold on this, if not this one then next will i´ll try harder, even if i do tho i still wanna push what i can do with Blender models and Rigs, already gotten alot more done and make the Dinosaur rigs better than any i have made before.
to End this NG blog off, i might wanna say i might do New models of Willa Brown and Hercy to see how far i have come as well as make models that are Prefected from Everything i have learned on this Project.
End of Blog.