Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 26, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - April 13th, 2022


the Real Stars of Jurassica Sarfari Park will be made...

The Dinosaurs, 14 animals, kicking it off with the King or Queen itself





Posted by Yokomation - April 13th, 2022


it is Better then I EVER HOPED! some laughs, Some Action and Hopefully some scares too.

i can´t Wait to see how it turns out in the storyboard animation stage once we´re getting vocie lines done and the most improten models ready too, speaking of, we´re Ready to desigin our dinosaurs after a good little Break.


Posted by Yokomation - April 12th, 2022


just missing 3 more scenes and we´re done, going to be a long script BUT hopefully via Clever editing and planning, i won´t be stuck forever with this and im looking forward to Draw Dinosaurs and start modeling after this script is done, hopefully tomorrow. for now tho a short break sounds nice


Posted by Yokomation - April 11th, 2022


Yeah made it just for Three and we´re back to the whole New Job idea BUT!

it´s About a Week before it happens seening as Cameron is on a hoilday here,

Of Course now that we made this chocie, it´s time we do a Script, that´ll be after a shower and after Posting The new Girl´s Looks onto websites, honestly happy i made the chocie of just Three Humans to this seening as i think might be for the better in the end and saves alot of time on modeling so the Dinosuars also can shine a bit more.



Posted by Yokomation - April 6th, 2022

Starting off with desigins of the human cast, then the dinosaurs after a Script.


not gonna Front page untill after the Little Teaser animation is ready and on newgorunds.



Posted by Yokomation - April 5th, 2022

we´re doing this....

Jurassica here we go then,

Chapter one of the Daily Blog then:

a Map has been made, now to redesigin OC´s, make a new one and do dinosaur model sheets, i´ll keep you updated as it gose along the best i can




Posted by Yokomation - April 5th, 2022

Hercy´s in works, a new improved Version,


a starting Cast has been setup BUT! later today i do plan to Do a Tour map for this project here so i can pick what dinosaurs i would Love to feature the most.



Posted by Yokomation - April 3rd, 2022


i have Seen all the Clips from prehisotric planet and i thought to myself "BRO, we need to make a dinosaur Project"

and i Looked at Newgorunds Track Record of Dinosaur movies and YEAH! there needs something better, SO Future wildlife is on hold now(honestly a think that´s a Blessing because DAMN i have been swing back and forwards lately on that)

Going to Get Hercy done next and then Nat...


and THEN...

A Little something i would like to Currently Call,

the Newgorunds Dinosaur Project,

so Far, a Logo for you to have here to hint what we might get,


NOTE: this is not the art style, it´s still fully CGI animated and likely in DragoGen´s Art Style too, also this is also going onto YouTube too, most likely a Week later, other then that, my mouth is Sealed for now,



Posted by Yokomation - March 29th, 2022


just missing the Rigging and we´re done

also planning at the End of Fowl to have a Big Ol

Thank You pic(Much like in FNAF4) with alot of models, as this is Future Wildlife´s Reboot after all so, might take a little longer to get Fowl out as, i might need a few more models then planned BUT

this would be my List then for critters in need for this thank you pic as, i feel like i have come a long way with this whole CGI thingy and with the new version of Blender so, might be worth shareing everything that lead to this

SO Here´s the Critters i wanna have on that thank you pic then:

  1. Nat
  2. Kitube (DONE)
  3. Doily (DONE)
  4. Willa Brown (DONE)
  5. Hercy
  6. Beth H,Hally
  7. Auther Patterson
  8. Yossi(Old and New)(model ready)
  9. Yoko Littner(model ready)
  10. Rockstar Freddy(model ready)
  11. Raion Kuma
  12. O-Buta
  13. Swamphorn
  14. Fowl (VERY VERY SOON done)
  15. Yokogator
  16. Boraffe
  17. Leotyrannus(Maybe?)
  18. Grubcock(Also Maybe??)
  19. Weegee monster(BIG IF)

also this was the Orignal Version of this but at the end i thought if iam going to Give Kitube a new Fur shader,

i might as well wait before we´re done with the whole Project then and everyone i need are here


After Fowl, it´s time for future Wildlife and, i think it´s Better to have as many Models Ready as i can have for that first Episode

as far as Models needed for Fowl

  1. Fowl
  2. Raion Kuma
  3. Kiragusu
  4. Neffer
  5. Swamphorn
  6. EECR



Posted by Yokomation - March 28th, 2022

it´s no Longer just 1 movie....

it´s going to be a 250 million year odyssey,

  • EP0: Fowl (75 MAD)
  • EP1: Age of the Mammals (75 MAD)
  • EP2: a Winter's Tale (25 MAD)
  • EP3: Three Friends, One Continent (250 MAD)
  • EP4: Sea and Air (100 MAD)
  • EP5: Time of the marsupials (150 MAD)
  • EP6: the Tropical Grasslands (50 MAD)

Episodes are NOT in Timeline oder but, rather what i think would be the Best Working oder.

i´ll see how im going to Handel this but, there´ll be some new model sheets comming up for Critters to this Huge adventure of Tomorrow´s World and i hope To make an animated Teaser Before To Future Wildlife showing off some new Stuff, here are some new Critters to Watch out for.


Above all this was longer over do, This video was Planned to be a Much bigger Story but for some Reason, i never made it into that and episode 2 models were ready, but new Worlds never Took off, But Let´s All hope this one will tho

as far as other plans go, welp this poll on Twitter Says it all,

the Test has grown into the Pilot tho so, keep that in mind.


and As future Wildlife is winning the Poll, i guess you know where im going this summer,

Wish me good luck on this.
