Hell Yeah, tomorrow starting the Weight pianting, Attaching onto her TGT bones and all that fun stuff.
wish me good luck guys, i´ll need it.
Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds
Age 26, Male
Vipperødgårds Alle 24
Joined on 6/22/17
Posted by Yokomation - May 8th, 2022
Hell Yeah, tomorrow starting the Weight pianting, Attaching onto her TGT bones and all that fun stuff.
wish me good luck guys, i´ll need it.
Posted by Yokomation - May 6th, 2022
She´s almost done, just missing her hair and rigging and she´ll be ready for useage and then we can do Conner Sully who´s At Long last got a Vocie actor, Yay,
but better still, after conner, we´ll work on the dinosaur models, with the Gallimimus been our first animal to model fellowed by the T-rex
Posted by Yokomation - May 3rd, 2022
This will be her First look for Jurassica, comming up Retopo for her.
i think i might wanna fix up her eyes first for today and then call the Rest of her Retopo for tomorrow then.
Posted by Yokomation - April 30th, 2022
A New Script got done yeasterday, so now its time to get the Models done,
Starting off with Alex and Conner and Depending on the poll, we´ll do our dinosaur models
also here´s a Little Teaser for the Next Project after
Jurassica Sarfari Park: Just another day
a Young Dragon, Still Sporting a Juveniles Feathery Coat, also this will be my last drawing alongside an Updated Model sheet for Willa Brown too as i wanna get that out of the world and focus more on the modeling
Then again might save it for the next project.
Posted by Yokomation - April 27th, 2022
alright so, Basicly, im going to get one last model sheet done and thenn honestly put it on hold for now.
Reason been i started to get a little overwhelmed, mainly the Scale of this project and the Fact i haven´t Yet made anything like this with Davinci resolve as my editing software instead of sony vegas and of course the amount of models needed for this too, i have Learned alot about Drawing to be honest and, even if im getting tired of it i´ll atleast Give Willa Brown a new Model sheet before doing anything eles and i wanna make sure this Project is safe and sound in a way where i can resume to it when i feel Ready for it.
Posted by Yokomation - April 26th, 2022
and Then it´s onto Modeling,
Also im as of now Looking for Voice actors to Alex, Conner and Cameraon
anyways getting the stegosaurus done here, might be working on untill we Reach the limbs and save those those tomorrow because of the Plates
Posted by Yokomation - April 22nd, 2022
Yeah, Tomorrow it´s onto the Nasutoceratops and don´t be Shocked if the Liaoningosaurus won´t make the final Cut for a Job at Jurassica Sarfari Park and has been Replaced by another animal, i don´t want a bad memeory from this whole project, want the best out of it.
Posted by Yokomation - April 21st, 2022
I can still work and all, just Woke up today and Yeasterday with Nosebleeding, Don´t Worry both things were in the morning and today´s Nose Bleed wasn´t as Bad as yeasterday´s but still worth looking out for but, nothing is worng with me don´t Worry(Atleast im not Throwing up)
anyways currently working on liaoningosaurus for Jurassica Sarfari Park. in other news, i might do a DragoGen series, Atlast i know BUT Don´t Be surpised if this time it´ll be like Planet Earth this time can be more then just about
Willa Brown and Hercy´s Adventures, i´ll be likely be About Dragons, Dinosaurs, mermaids and Alot of other cool ideas to Turely Expand the world, might be After Jurassica Sarfari Park is done.
Posted by Yokomation - April 19th, 2022
Yeasterday i was Thorwing up BADLY! and shit but, feeling better now,
made me change Alex´s Dialouge and stuff about her Girlfriend to make it a little bit more impactful and feel less what some "OverGrown ManChilds" or something like that might call "Woke" Or whatever, Piont is i don´t Just Wan it to be a Throw over thing that Blink and you miss it for Alex Johanna here but i don´t Want it to be too much of a thing Ya know.
anyways im considering to get to 14 model sheets before doing the 3D Models of Our Human Cast and dinosaurs.
Posted by Yokomation - April 17th, 2022
we´re currently 3 dinosaurs into this and currently working on the 4th dinosaur
the Diplodocus the animal been so long might mean i´ll have to get it done across now till tomorrow early before getting the allosaurus done, Outside that, the plan is to get one dinosaur done a day (With the modeling first startinf if i either have all 17 model sheets done till 14 sheets ready)
im Really REALLY Hopeing this might be a First time anyone on newgrounds would have seen anything like this, been refineing my Script yeasterday and i might do it futher in the future to make sure it´s the best it can ever become.
Take care. and look forward to it.