Willa Brown´s Retopo is on it´s Way,
im trying to get her Topolgy on the same level as Doily B,Fox´s model and the Leotyrannus(Planned for a new model BTW)
Also wanna Note that i might have a Great Idea for a Project to use to test out DaVinci Resolve 17,
However i think i might First do something eles as i Think it´s a Little too much to Do Another DragoGen Project right after Eggs, seening everyone might think that´s all we got so Either a Quoll alone Project or Even something new (Like Monster Warefare or a Lake challenger Project) plus it might be too Complex for now so, we´ll see, might even make the Origin story for How Nat Doily and Kitune meeting Earch other in a more Simple Way, a Two Parter even,
Read more here what i got in store