Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 25, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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6,655 / 6,940
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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - January 9th, 2019

Today we completed Yossi´s wight pianting and Tomorrow we´re planning to complet his Auto drivers, IK rigging and just get Started on Tracy D,Hunter

Also considering to do a Teaser animation with Yossi, and im also going to try to Find a way to get to Rig those eyes in oder for him to be able to Blink and Emote too, but all that will be handeled tomorrow most likely.


Posted by Yokomation - January 8th, 2019

We´ve Completed Tracy´s new look and Gotten Yossi´s Amature in shape,6434868_154697736063_Tracy.png


Im planning to Do Trayc after Yossi is complet with the Rigging, im planning to do alot of IK rigging on Yossi when he is complet and do my Best with Tracy, as well as give everyone a good retopology too.


Posted by Yokomation - January 7th, 2019

We have Completed Yossi´s Feather Coat and Tracy is complet but missing her Side refs,

as im writeing down this, im feeling Really tired form a Day at the Gym thus, im going to Bed after posting this

also tomorrow we plan to Rig Yossi´s model 



Posted by Yokomation - January 6th, 2019

We´ve Completed Yossi´s model and Tracy has Gotten her Color, Tomorrow we´ll start to get his Feathers done with Some Rigging getting Started on Yossi too and try to Complet Tracy D.Hunter with coloring and Side Refs and Maybe get to Work on Si hofu, now considering how time consumeing it was doing the retopology, Im considering only doing so for the Weegee monster and trying my best to get the topology Right with Tracy and Si hofu



Posted by Yokomation - January 5th, 2019

We´ve Completed Yossi´s model and the retopology has Started. with the neck Been complet and his Head and jaws been the next step


Tracy is about to get some clothing on and i plan to that as soon as i have Reached to His eyes and so on.



Also im doing these Blogs as a kind of Logbook for me on this Project so, i hope you might enjoy these whenever they came and go.

Posted by Yokomation - January 4th, 2019

Yossi model is almost ready for retopology and is just missing his hands and Feet and Tracy´s model sheet is nearing the syage where i can draw the Base Line for her


After these two, im considering to do the Weegee monster and Si hofu or, Do Tracy´s 3D model after Yossi is complet and than do the fellowing two, of coruse im planning to end it off with the Qucumatz

Posted by Yokomation - January 4th, 2019

A Yossi vs the Weegee monster is about to take shape,


And it’s something I’m planning to make a youtube premiere for December this year,

It will however come out early to newgournds and I will focus hard on it. Makeing it

a number one project on my to do list


Posted by Yokomation - January 2nd, 2019

OK, im takeing it easy This year and wait a little before getting to work on a Bigger Project


So my list for 2019 to do list is:

- Nat Animation test

- make some new models with 2.8´s beta so i atleast got something to animate

- Drago51

- Future wildlife

- have myself be more Active on my Projects

- and alot more i can´t say right now as we are Very Early in the year but, hopefully well be done

- Be better at modeling and Rigging

- Trying out retopology to improve my models and animations for them too.

- be more Active on NewGorunds

i Hope my plans get into shape, im soon done With nat´s Model or At the Very Least be ready to do his Auto drivers by the time i have posted this here that i have Played Safe with when modeling,

Anyways wish me good luck

Posted by Yokomation - December 27th, 2018

Just wanting to share out latest update on Dolly´s new model, tomorrow we´re planning to do her clothing when she is complet, a render is mostl ikely planned and so we´ll hopefully soon be able to do the animation test,

but for now enjoy her T-poseing without any clothing on here right now.6434868_154593901973_DollyRenderreal.png

Posted by Yokomation - December 27th, 2018

i have already shared what i made with Blender 2.8 and i with all the cool stuff it can pull off it comes out in 2019,

after Dolly and the Animation test with her im considering to do Yossi vs the Weegee monster, a model done of him below was a mode before but i think the fur tool is going to make him look greater than before and the fat rendering of it than in before makes me hope the best for Blender,



To be hontest, i think been a 3D animator on the internet right now, feels like been the mammals back in the age of dinosaurs, im i right here?