our first Dinosaur we´re startng on is the Gore King himself, Lythronax
honestly i think i kinda wanna See how far i can talke my sculpting skills with the dinosaurs for Real here,
done it a bit with the People(Alex and Conner) but now it´s time to Really i mean REALLY push it and see how good these Basemesh models can get

so far as far as new things goses, the claws will be Sculpted onto the hands and feet once they we done however might do the claws right away tomorrow after the head let´s see

Overall can´t Wait to Se it be done and there´ll likely be a Teaser before the rest of the dinosaurs are done
worklist goses as fellow:
- Lythronax
- Gallimimus
- T-rex
- Nasutoceratops
- Stegosaurus
- Pachycephalosaurus
- Kosmoceratops
once the Teaser Trailer comes out, THAT´S When i´ll make a Front Page news Post for this site, Unsure if i wanna post it here tho as well as on YouTube BUT let´s See, over all, the Dinosaurs are the most importen factor for Jurassica and i hope they turn out good no matter what.