IDK maybe it´s just me wanting something quickly out right now.
Still it means we did a few changes to auther and complated the Hornmorth
as far as the Story gose, the Pilot will be about that magic momment Everyone see dragons in the wild above the Surface, Willa Brown and hercy are on a Goose chase and Auther gets Chaught in the middel of it all.
2020 is comming to a Close and thus we can all have new Hopes and plans for the next year (All well as Pary it´s not gonna end up as Shitty as this Year)
SO wanna go over what happende this year to Start off and then show off my final plans and goals in trems of Projects this year
in 2020
I was Orignally planning to Kick off this year with another quoll alone project, however alot of production problems happende and BOOM, nothing happende, then it was going to zero extinction That, didn´t turn into anything either HOWEVER we did make a timekiller short flim how to keep your Dragon with Willa Brown and hercy and Really, to be fair it feels Great getting new OC´s into the world like that.
I was planning to do a dinosaur Douch but, that didn´t go anywhere however, the Reason for that was the Fact i thought i didn´t need the Animatics and Previz, Something i found very Helpful during the makeing of How to Keep your Dragon and Really, why did i Forget that? Why just use a Script with pictures when it´s no vocie acting for most of it
I feel pretty damn changed and i think this year has been a rollercoaster, ups and downs,
Good and bad things, But here we are ready to rock and roll, we know how to do full CGI animation,
Plans for next year
for 2021, i think i got Everything covered, in the end the best things to come out of 2020 for me atleast was the Feeling of a Real Comeback for myself online, a Fresh new start and i hope this will be the year we do something greater then just a few shorts and We have made sure of that,
we made a Google Doc for our best goals and atleast hope they turn into something,
i think the biggest Problem might be it takes a long time to cross those out BUT we´ll get that done.
and i know not everything can be done in one year BUT i´ll try to figure out how to pull the most of it,
atleast the stuff that´s the most improten for me, and that´s much needed, lately my name has the worng things to it via Google, my Twitter takes up too much space in my life and it has effected me online right now so a good break from that is a good idea for me atleast and i have Hoped that for this year but, That didn´t go anywhere.
I wish everyone a Happy new year and best hopes for next year
and to cap it off, here´s a Reel of stuff i did back in 2020 and some 2019 animations
Yeah we´re takeing a short break, i mean it´s soon chirstmans
and an animated series(Like DragoGen I got a thing about that later on this)
would be Too much to start off with SO i thought i might do a few movies and shorts before jumping into that and i have been haveing a burnout as my latest model Proofed to me, plus a lack of motivation due to alot of Projects that didn´t go anywhere
SO a nice break is fine for me
but after the Hoildays, Something is about to brought back,
Life of the dinosaurs is Planned to be relaunched agian, this time we´ll do an animatic for it unlike last time where we forgot that.
as i thought i might be a good idea so we made some edits and improved it a bit,
unsure what to Post there BUT, i cloud share the Animatics or Previs once we´re done with the real animation or animation WIP´s too as well as some things i don´t wanna Spoilt but i´ll see about that