Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds

Age 25, Male

Vipperødgårds Alle 24

Joined on 6/22/17

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Yokomation's News

Posted by Yokomation - January 17th, 2020

the Models for Mugget, Susan, Jellybean and Uwongo are Complet,

Meaning we´re only missing the kraytBears in trems of modeling



As far as Vocie acting gose, We´re Only missing Those of Dallas and Doily,

With the voice work already done for Susan, Nat, Kitube and Uwongo,

im hopeing i can soon get Started on animateing for Quoll alone Twogether as it´s gonna be our 20th video for newgorunds and so, Should be something everyone would Look forward too, especially After how Blender has updated itself and improved on Many levels, thus Allowing use to feature fur and realstic subsurface scattering.


  • We´re planning to make DragoGen an animated series in lines of the the mandalorian or the New the dark crystal age of resistance, Not too many Episodes but Movie like quality and i´d most likely do some Writting after going for a walk outside and Sarfina is planned to be a DragoGen character,
  • We found out via Scruffy´s video an awsome way to do fur on models via Texture maps and plan to use it form here on now, Starting with the kraytBears


Posted by Yokomation - January 2nd, 2020

That´s Right, we´re done with the script for Quoll alone Together,

That means we´re Just missing to do modeling,

Vocie recording and we can get Started on animateing Quoll alone Together,


Also worth noteing, we´ll most likely get a Model sheet for Susan W,Disney ready and we´ll be looking for a Vocie actor for her soon, however if you think you got the role, let me know via message or DM me via twitter OK.

Plans for tomorrow will inculde getting lines ready, completing Susan´s Model sheet and hopefully Start modeling her


Posted by Yokomation - December 31st, 2019

Plans for next,

atleast for now is to get Quoll alone: Together made

we have already made desigins and we´re currently working on a new Scrpit for the Project, this should be fellowed by modeling some of the new characters, inculdeing Jellybean and Susan.


we Made the Kratybear Pup here tho as our last model sheet of 2019,

the Modeling list will go as fellow:

Susan W,Disney




Kratybear (Pup)

Kratybear (Adults)

and If´s are of coruse

Hugo (Captian Cuckoo)


IF they are in the Story of coruse.

Posted by Yokomation - November 29th, 2019

Feel happy yo Buy some stuff for the Hoilyday to a love one or a Good friend, Or even Family

right now working on Nat and once he´s Done, we´ll be makeing some new Quoll alone merchandise for Everyone.



Posted by Yokomation - November 26th, 2019

You know, to be Fair, i would like to upload some new art BUT!

Im a flim maker, SOO i might wanna wait untill i have posted some more video content.

However i´ll happly share my latest work here to let you know i have been traning out to improve my 3D skills when it comes to Environments in Blender


Posted by Yokomation - November 22nd, 2019

As far as the DragoGen Project Gose, we plan to have Willa Brown steal an Egg from a Roc on an island somehwere in her world, we might not see her create her Dragon (the Harpy_:0224) but i shall try my best to Get it out that she was the Preson behiden it and not just be a Creature she found,

Speaking of Willa brown, Her model is only missing her Boots, Goggols and Her Metal Bra before doing her Textures.


I hope this project will over do Quoll alone in Trems of views once DragoGen: Willa Brown´s Quest for Rocolettle is been uploaded,

after all the very momment I came to newgorunds was a CGI revolution on the whole site, feel like i kinda got it more poplaur after i came to the site, now with the new Blender 2.8 improvements, we hope more People will be inrpised to do so, especially thinking everyone wanna see me do more Projects like Where is skittles, Wish me good luck on this.


Posted by Yokomation - November 17th, 2019


It´s mostly because i kinda failed at doing a Model of Nat the Quoll, SOO yeah, Anyways, wish me good luck on this Project, this will be the first Full CGI Project.

another note, im takeing a twitter break, but i have been shareing a few W.I.P´s on the site to let People know, however i might give more news via Newgournds whenever i can.


Posted by Yokomation - September 4th, 2019


We´re Remakeing the Sleepy Foxy short and there might be two more shorts comming, in the short remake There might be a hint to the next Project (DragoGen). and here have look at kitube W.I,P

also have what Doily and Nat are Gonna look like here



hope you´ll like this short as much as the one before


Posted by Yokomation - March 26th, 2019

got one, likely means Quoll alone nad everything ele´s getting it´s Owen Soundtrack in the future


Posted by Yokomation - March 18th, 2019


Hopefully she´ll have an Awsome rig for animation.

Poll for when Willa brown is complet:


i´ll use my Spring for modeling and rigging of models so i got something to animate for everything i wanna do.