now just missing Weight pianting and shape keys and we´re done with Willa Brown here.
Flim maker and 3D animator
(wish you cloud have two aura´s)
Used to be on Youtube, but now im on Newgorunds
Age 26, Male
Vipperødgårds Alle 24
Joined on 6/22/17
Posted by Yokomation - November 5th, 2020
now just missing Weight pianting and shape keys and we´re done with Willa Brown here.
Posted by Yokomation - November 4th, 2020
All that´s missing now is Rigging and Shape keys and she´s Done,
then we can do our model showcase of these two before working on Auther and the Teaser too.
I must say im looking very much forward to doing it and rather then upload that Teaser to newgorunds as an animation, i might Share it via a GIF with the Real thing been on Youtube, but we´ll see how things go.
Posted by Yokomation - November 2nd, 2020
im Almost done with her,
Just missing to do her Textures,
Rigging and shape keys and we should be Ready for a model showcase of her and Hercy
Yes im aware the gif may not look too good BUT i wanted to share the whole thing in one gif so, yeah.
DragoGen will become our first animated series here and we´ll be looking forward to it 100% here and do everything to make it best it can be.
That is why i have set up this way of doing things currently,
we do a Model showcase of willa brown and Hercy, fellowed by by a model of Auther with Teaser,
then it´s over to the rest of the cast for the first episode and of course the fellowing 6 episdoes, plan to make new models for the future episodes when we are working on them but keep the models of the main roles.
wish me good luck on this project here
Posted by Yokomation - November 1st, 2020
Now just missing some Other Features, like hair, eyes, teeth and a tounge and some cloththing, not to Forget her Metal plates and Goggles too.
Good thing by the time i posted this, the first four things are done.
Posted by Yokomation - October 30th, 2020
Tomorrow It´s over to Retopo for Willa Brown
Hopefully she´s going to look better there too.
Posted by Yokomation - October 29th, 2020
Blockout done,
Tomorrow it´s on to Sculpting
Hopeing this will be the Best Model of Willa Brown yet made.
also Planning to have a model show case of Her AND Hercy.
Thus why im going to have a showcase of WIP of her modeling here,
gif will be used on artstation once her model is complet
Posted by Yokomation - October 27th, 2020
Just missing Custom bone shapes for the IK and FK Bones as well as some shape keys.
Then it´s on to Willa Brown, I hope tomorrow i´ll Get Him done atleast.
also im amzed over how realistic and good this model looks, it´s Prefect for the series im going for.
Posted by Yokomation - October 25th, 2020
Rigging takeing a little longer because im trying out some new things
FK/IK Switchs and FK rigging on the back but so far
Yeah we´re Almost done with everything here and can move over to Wila Brown´s model, i think after Hercy is done we´ll be smooth sailing.
So yeah everything going as Planned, With the trio been made first before we do the Other model sheets post Teaser.
Also would like to add we´re Planning to learn japanese to improve Willa Brown´s Dubbing
for the Pilot and Teaser
Posted by Yokomation - October 21st, 2020
at last working on that Guys agian and THIS TIME
a few Elemeants will be in the Pilot
i got a Feeling it´ll at most come out next year or i atleast start animateing that time around but we´ll see.
Posted by Yokomation - September 30th, 2020
the Script to my Blind date is a Troll is now Complet,
now just missing models, Animatic, vocie acting and we can Start animateing in Blender 3D guys :D
as Planned, The animatic will be on Youtube, Prevert or hidden of coruse.
Prepared a size chart for our two characters to help me on modeling.
Planning to maybe start on snuffly here but we´ll see, Also before i might do an animatic, there is ONE THING i might do,
in Edtion to Add in... a Little Hint for what´s Next, a new model sheet and something for the Script too.
QUICK UPDATE 2020/2/10
Im giveing this short a little break for now.
Model sheets ready, script on hold, think i might wanna wait untill doing this as i don´t feel as Creative when i did start on this as i do now,
Plus feel like i wanna get into the modeling Flow again, sculpting Retopo and all that fun stuff.